using decorator to auto generate swagger json docs
npm install koa-swagger-decorator
Please refer to before creating your PR or issue.
using decorator to auto generate swagger json docs add support validation for swagger definitions
based on Swagger OpenAPI Specification 2.0
support both javascript (babel required) and typescript
// using commonds below to start and test the example server
git clone
cd koa-swagger-decorator
npm install
npm run start
finally open:
- Koa2
- koa-router
- babel support for decorator (or using typescript)
// add [transform-decorators-legacy] to .babelrc if using js
npm install --save-dev babel-plugin-transform-decorators-legacy
"presets": [
["env", {"targets": {"node": "current"}}]
"plugins": ["transform-decorators-legacy"]
for more detail please take a look at the example koa server
// router.js
import Router from 'koa-router'
import Test from './test'
import { SwaggerRouter } from 'koa-swagger-decorator'
const router = new SwaggerRouter([KoaRouterOpts],[SwaggerOpts]) // extends from koa-router
// swagger docs avaliable at http://localhost:3000/api/swagger-html
title: 'Example Server',
description: 'API DOC',
version: '1.0.0',
// [optional] default is root path.
// if you are using koa-swagger-decorator within nested router, using this param to let swagger know your current router point
prefix: '/api',
// [optional] default is /swagger-html
swaggerHtmlEndpoint: '/swagger-html',
// [optional] default is /swagger-json
swaggerJsonEndpoint: '/swagger-json',
// [optional] additional options for building swagger doc
// eg. add api_key as shown below
swaggerOptions: {
securityDefinitions: {
api_key: {
type: 'apiKey',
in: 'header',
name: 'api_key',
// [optional] additional configuration for config how to show swagger view
swaggerConfiguration: {
display: {
defaultModelsExpandDepth: 4, // The default expansion depth for models (set to -1 completely hide the models).
defaultModelExpandDepth: 3, // The default expansion depth for the model on the model-example section.
docExpansion: 'list', // Controls the default expansion setting for the operations and tags.
defaultModelRendering: 'model' // Controls how the model is shown when the API is first rendered.
// map all static methods at Test class for router
// mapDir will scan the input dir, and automatically call to all Router Class
router.mapDir(_path.resolve(__dirname), {
// default: true. To recursively scan the dir to make router. If false, will not scan subroutes dir
// recursive: true,
// default: true, if true, you can call ctx.validatedBody[Query|Params] to get validated data.
// doValidation: true,
// default: [], paths to ignore while looking for decorators
// ignore: ["**.spec.ts"],
// test.js
import User from 'models/user'
import { request, summary, query, path, body, tags } from 'koa-swagger-decorator'
const testTag = tags(['test'])
const userSchema = {
name: { type: 'string', required: true },
gender: { type: 'string', required: false, example: 'male' },
groups: {
type: 'array',
required: true,
items: { type: 'string', example: 'group1' }, // item's type will also be validated
export default class Test {
@request('get', '/users')
@summary('get user list')
@security([{ api_key: [] }])
type: { type: 'number', required: true, default: 1, description: 'type' },
static async getUsers(ctx) {
const users = await User.findAll()
ctx.body = { users }
@request('get', '/users/{id}')
@summary('get user info by id')
@security([{ api_key: [] }])
id: { type: 'number', required: true, default: 1, description: 'id' },
static async getUser(ctx) {
const { id } = ctx.validatedParams
const user = await User.findById(id)
ctx.body = { user }
@request('post', '/users')
static async postUser(ctx) {
// const body = ctx.request.body;
const body = ctx.validatedBody
ctx.body = { result: body }
static async temp(ctx) {
ctx.body = { result: 'success' }
import Router from 'koa-router';
import { request, summary, query, path, body, tags, swaggerClass, swaggerProperty } from 'koa-swagger-decorator'
export class subObject {
@swaggerProperty({ type: "string", required: true }) Email: string = "";
@swaggerProperty({ type: "string", required: true }) NickName: string = "";
@swaggerProperty({ type: "string", required: true }) Password: string = "";
export class userInfo {
@swaggerProperty({ type: "string", required: true }) Email: string = "";
@swaggerProperty({ type: "string", required: true }) NickName: string = "";
@swaggerProperty({ type: "string", required: true }) Password: string = "";
@swaggerProperty({type:"object",properties:(subObject as any).swaggerDocument}) UserInfo:subObject;
export default class Test {
@request('POST', '/user/Register')
@summary('register user')
@description('example of api')
@body((userInfo as any).swaggerDocument)
static async Register(ctx: Router.IRouterContext) {
var params = (ctx as any).validatedBody as userInfo;
- tags
- query
- path
- body
- formData
- middlewares
- security
- summary
- description
- responses
- deprecated
- tagsAll
- responsesAll
- middlewaresAll
- securityAll
- deprecatedAll
- queryAll
request // @request('POST', '/users')
tags // @tags(['example'])
query // @query({limit: {type: 'number', required: true, default: 10, description: 'desc'}})
path // @path({limit: {type: 'number', required: true, default: 10, description: 'desc'}})
body // @body({groups: {type: 'array', required: true, items: { type: 'string', example: 'group1' }}})
formData // @formData({file: {type: 'file', required: true, description: 'file content'}})
// support koa middlewares.
// eg. @middlewares([func1,func2])
// define authentication method, key must be same as one of methods defined in swaggerOptions.securityDefinitions
// @security([{ api_key: [] }])
summary // @summary('api summary')
description // @description('api description')
// @responses({ 200: { description: 'success'}, 400: { description: 'error'}})
// responses is optional
deprecated // @deprecated
@tagsAll(['A', 'B'])
@securityAll([{ api_key: [] }])
@middlewaresAll([log1, log2]) // add middlewares [log1, log2] to all routers in this class
@queryAll({ limit: { type: 'number', default: 444, required: true } }) // can be merged with @query
export default class SampleRouter {
support validation type: string, number, boolean, object, array.
in {type: 'object'}
and items
in {type: 'array'}
can alse be validated.
other types eg. integer
will not be validated, and will return the raw value.
by default, validation is activated and you can call ctx.validatedQuery[Body|Params] to access the validated value.
to turn off validation:
router.mapDir(_path.resolve(__dirname), {
// default: true, if true, you can call ctx.validatedBody[Query|Params] to get validated data.
doValidation: false,