
This is a small set of utility GUI programs that can be used to bulk download CDDIS GNSS data. This data includes GNSS Observation Data, Navigation Data and Precise Orbit Data. These data items are mainly useful in performing scientific processing using programs like gLab, Matlab, GAMIT, PRIDE_PPPAR etc.

Primary LanguagePython

Please download the ZIP file from the green colored 'Code' button or you can clone
the repository too in order to download the programs.

Please follow these instructions before running the programs:

Download and install Python 3 in order to run the programs available in this folder.
You can download Python 3 from here: https://www.python.org/downloads/

Enter your Earthdata username and password in the _netrc files provided in this folder.
If you do not have an Earthdata username and password you can obtain one 

After entering your username and password in the _netrc file copy and paste this file
in the C:/Users/your_user_name/ folder. Here your_user_name means your own user name
in your computer. Notepad++ is a good program for editing files on windows 10. You
can get it from here: https://notepad-plus-plus.org/downloads/

Open command prompt in administrator mode. In start menu type cmd. The entry for
Windows Command Prompt will show up. Right click on it and choose 'Run as Administrator'.
After Command prompt is open type this command: setx HOME %USERPROFILE%
After entering the above command close the command prompt.

After performing all the above steps come back to this folder and press and hold SHIFT
button and press RIGHT CLICK (while holding shift). A menu will open. Select
"Open Powershell Here" or "Open git bash here" option from that menu. A command line
will open. In that command line type: python download_navigation_data.py
                                      python download_observation_data.py
                                      python download_precise_orbit_data.py

for navigation data, observation data and precise orbit data respectively.
Follow the instructions on the application windows itself in order to successfully download
the data. The downloaded data is stored in this folder only. So, download one type of data
and move it to your folder of choice and then download another type of data.

Please submit bug reports to ayushraj1024@gmail.com