
Framework/Tool that monitors server logs and identifies anomalous behavior .

Primary LanguageScala


Framework/Tool that monitors server logs and identifies anomalous behavior. The sections that follow set up the dev environment for the project. These are for Mac but should roughly be the same for Windows (WSL2) and Linux.

Table of Contents


  1. Java 11
  2. Scala
  3. Apache Kafka (and Zookeeper)
  4. Apache Spark
  5. IntelliJ

Installing Java

❯ brew install openjdk@11
❯ java -version
openjdk version "11.0.11" 2021-04-20
OpenJDK Runtime Environment AdoptOpenJDK-11.0.11+9 (build 11.0.11+9)
OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM AdoptOpenJDK-11.0.11+9 (build 11.0.11+9, mixed mode)

Installing Scala

❯ brew install scala
❯ scala -version
Scala code runner version 3.2.2 -- Copyright 2002-2023, LAMP/EPFL

Installing Spark

❯ brew install apache-spark

This will by default install Spark in client mode, instead of cluster, which is what we were using in docker.

❯ spark-shell
Spark context Web UI available at
Spark context available as 'sc' (master = local[*], app id = local-1682092096819).
Spark session available as 'spark'.
Welcome to
      ____              __
     / __/__  ___ _____/ /__
    _\ \/ _ \/ _ `/ __/  '_/
   /___/ .__/\_,_/_/ /_/\_\   version 3.3.2

Using Scala version 2.12.15 (OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM, Java 11.0.11)
Type in expressions to have them evaluated.
Type :help for more information.


Note: Homebrew takes care of putting the Spark binaries in your PATH. You will have to locate them on Windows and Linux before running the above command.

Installing Kafka

❯ brew install kafka

Start Zookeeper

❯ zookeeper-server-start /usr/local/etc/zookeeper/zoo.cfg

Note: Homebrew takes care of putting the Zookeeper binaries in your PATH. You will have to locate them on Windows and Linux before running the above command.

Start Kafka

❯ kafka-server-start /usr/local/etc/kafka/server.properties

Note: Homebrew takes care of putting the Kafka binaries in your PATH. You will have to locate them on Windows and Linux before running the above command.

Create a Kafka topic

❯ kafka-topics --create --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --topic log_topic
WARNING: Due to limitations in metric names, topics with a period ('.') or underscore ('_') could collide. To avoid issues it is best to use either, but not both.
Created topic log_topic.

Start the Producer

❯ python3 producer.py

Verifying logs on the Consumer

❯ kafka-console-consumer --from-beginning --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --topic log_topic

Creating an SBT project in IntelliJ

  1. Use the steps in this link to create an SBT-based Scala project in IntelliJ. Feel free to use Maven instead if you are feeling adventurous.
  2. Once created, add the libraryDependencies from the build.sbt file in this branch to your project's build.sbt.
  3. Rename Main.scala in your project to BigLog.scala.
  4. Replace the content of your project's BigLog.scala with the one in this branch.
  5. Build the project. This should take a few seconds as SBT downloads the spark-sql, spark-sql-kafka, spark-ml dependencies.
  6. If the build completes without any errors, run the project. After a few Spark initialization messages, you should start seeing the streamed DataFrames.
  7. The run should terminate with an exit code of 0 after about 20 seconds. Thread.sleep(20000) controls this behaviour and stops the query after 20 seconds.
  8. If you would like to see a continuous stream, use .awaitTermination() after .start().

Example Stream

Testing Spark-Kafka communication with BigLog.

Batch: 0
|LineId|          DateTime |Level|           Component|             Content|
|     1|2017-06-09 20:10:40| INFO|executor.CoarseGr...|Registered signal...|
|     2|2017-06-09 20:10:40| INFO|spark.SecurityMan...|Changing view acl...|
|     3|2017-06-09 20:10:40| INFO|spark.SecurityMan...|Changing modify a...|
|     4|2017-06-09 20:10:40| INFO|spark.SecurityMan...|SecurityManager: ...|
|     5|2017-06-09 20:10:41| INFO|spark.SecurityMan...|Changing view acl...|
|     6|2017-06-09 20:10:41| INFO|spark.SecurityMan...|Changing modify a...|
|     7|2017-06-09 20:10:41| INFO|spark.SecurityMan...|SecurityManager: ...|
|     8|2017-06-09 20:10:41| INFO|   slf4j.Slf4jLogger|Slf4jLogger start...|
|     9|2017-06-09 20:10:41| INFO|            Remoting|Starting remoting\n |
|    10|2017-06-09 20:10:41| INFO|            Remoting|Remoting started;...|
|    11|2017-06-09 20:10:41| INFO|          util.Utils|Successfully star...|
|    12|2017-06-09 20:10:41| INFO|storage.DiskBlock...|Created local dir...|
|    13|2017-06-09 20:10:41| INFO| storage.MemoryStore|MemoryStore start...|
|    14|2017-06-09 20:10:42| INFO|executor.CoarseGr...|Connecting to dri...|
|    15|2017-06-09 20:10:42| INFO|executor.CoarseGr...|Successfully regi...|
|    16|2017-06-09 20:10:42| INFO|   executor.Executor|Starting executor...|
|    17|2017-06-09 20:10:42| INFO|          util.Utils|Successfully star...|
|    18|2017-06-09 20:10:42| INFO|netty.NettyBlockT...|Server created on...|
|    19|2017-06-09 20:10:42| INFO|storage.BlockMana...|Trying to registe...|
|    20|2017-06-09 20:10:42| INFO|storage.BlockMana...|Registered BlockM...|
only showing top 20 rows

Example Stream With ML

The Spark cluster application logs for this piece of the project come from here. One of the cluster runs is already inside the data dir.

Batch: 2
|              Window|Stage|Task|          Timestamps|          StartTime|            EndTime|Duration|Outlier|PredictedOutlier|
|{2017-06-09 17:08...|679.0|10.0|[2017-06-09 17:08...|2017-06-09 17:08:58|2017-06-09 17:08:59|     1.0|   true|            true|
|{2017-06-09 17:04...|267.0|29.0|[2017-06-09 17:04...|2017-06-09 17:04:37|2017-06-09 17:04:37|     0.0|  false|           false|
|{2017-06-09 17:04...|216.0|13.0|[2017-06-09 17:04...|2017-06-09 17:04:31|2017-06-09 17:04:31|     0.0|  false|           false|
|{2017-06-09 17:04...| 99.0|21.0|[2017-06-09 17:04...|2017-06-09 17:04:13|2017-06-09 17:04:13|     0.0|  false|           false|
|{2017-06-09 17:09...|814.0|34.0|[2017-06-09 17:09...|2017-06-09 17:09:14|2017-06-09 17:09:14|     0.0|  false|           false|
|{2017-06-09 17:04...|170.0|13.0|[2017-06-09 17:04...|2017-06-09 17:04:25|2017-06-09 17:04:25|     0.0|  false|           false|
|{2017-06-09 17:04...| 57.0|37.0|[2017-06-09 17:04...|2017-06-09 17:04:08|2017-06-09 17:04:08|     0.0|  false|           false|
|{2017-06-09 17:09...|691.0|34.0|[2017-06-09 17:09...|2017-06-09 17:09:00|2017-06-09 17:09:00|     0.0|  false|           false|
|{2017-06-09 17:09...|806.0|26.0|[2017-06-09 17:09...|2017-06-09 17:09:13|2017-06-09 17:09:13|     0.0|  false|           false|
|{2017-06-09 17:04...| 13.0|13.0|[2017-06-09 17:04...|2017-06-09 17:04:01|2017-06-09 17:04:01|     0.0|  false|           false|
|{2017-06-09 17:08...|597.0| 2.0|[2017-06-09 17:08...|2017-06-09 17:08:49|2017-06-09 17:08:49|     0.0|  false|           false|
|{2017-06-09 17:09...|730.0|18.0|[2017-06-09 17:09...|2017-06-09 17:09:04|2017-06-09 17:09:04|     0.0|  false|           false|
|{2017-06-09 17:09...|813.0|26.0|[2017-06-09 17:09...|2017-06-09 17:09:13|2017-06-09 17:09:14|     1.0|   true|            true|
|{2017-06-09 17:08...|487.0|18.0|[2017-06-09 17:08...|2017-06-09 17:08:36|2017-06-09 17:08:36|     0.0|  false|           false|
|{2017-06-09 17:04...|350.0|29.0|[2017-06-09 17:04...|2017-06-09 17:04:46|2017-06-09 17:04:47|     1.0|   true|            true|
|{2017-06-09 17:05...|413.0| 5.0|[2017-06-09 17:05...|2017-06-09 17:05:02|2017-06-09 17:05:02|     0.0|  false|           false|
|{2017-06-09 17:05...|417.0|29.0|[2017-06-09 17:05...|2017-06-09 17:05:03|2017-06-09 17:05:03|     0.0|  false|           false|
|{2017-06-09 17:04...| 79.0| 5.0|[2017-06-09 17:04...|2017-06-09 17:04:11|2017-06-09 17:04:11|     0.0|  false|           false|
|{2017-06-09 17:04...|236.0|29.0|[2017-06-09 17:04...|2017-06-09 17:04:33|2017-06-09 17:04:33|     0.0|  false|           false|
|{2017-06-09 17:04...|142.0|29.0|[2017-06-09 17:04...|2017-06-09 17:04:20|2017-06-09 17:04:20|     0.0|  false|           false|
only showing top 20 rows

Useful Links


Sarthak Banerjee, Ajinkya Fotedar, James Hinton, Vinayak Kumar, Sydney May, Ayush Roy


  • v0 (4/11/23), Producer
  • v1 (4/26/23), Pipelines
  • v2 (4/30/23), ML Integration