This respository contains my projects for the intership with CODSOFT ( between 20 Aug'23 to 20 Sept'23)
It contains 4 projects --->
Guess the number : Create a program that generates a random number and asks the user to guess it. Provide feedback on whether the guess is too high or too low until the user guesses the correct numbe
Simple Calculator : Develop a calculator program that performs basic arithmetic operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. Allow the user to input two numbers and choose an operation to perform
Tic-tac-toe Game : Build a simple console-based Tic-Tac-Toe game that allows two players to play against each other
TIC-TAC-TOE GAME Game Board: Create a 3x3 grid as the game board. Players: Assign "X" and "O" to two players. Display Board: Show the current state of the board. Player Input: Prompt the current player to enter their move. Update Board: Update the game board with the player ' s move. Check for Win: Check if the current player has won. Check for Draw: Determine if the game is a draw. Switch Players: Alternate turns between "X" and "O" players. Display Result: Show the result of the game (win, draw, or ongoing). Play Again: Ask if the players want to play another game
To-do-list manager : Build a simple console-based to-do list manager that allows users to add, view, and delete tasks // Function to display the menu // Function to add a task // Function to view tasks // Function to delete a task