- 0
- 0
#45 opened by jonathan8devs - 0
Error -1 when calling
#43 opened by bosoft-ESP - 0
Zone Edit Support
#41 opened by FutzWhith - 1
duckdns not updateing
#40 opened by bobknipper - 1
no-ip can not update ip address
#39 opened by microicRI - 1
No-IP not working, httpCode -1
#38 opened by rubende - 4
- 0
Question about "WiFiServer server(80)" object
#36 opened by Grimaction - 0
Public IP changed every update.
#35 opened by phoenixpop - 0
Can add Digitalocean Thank you
#34 opened by bleleccomphone - 0
Adding to EspEasy
#33 opened by xabi12 - 5
ipv4.whatismyipaddress fails
#30 opened by heyitsyang - 3
Not updating IP using dynu dns
#32 opened by LG02 - 1
Support for Aliyun
#27 opened by WILLIAMTANT - 3
- 2
http.begin need WiFiClient
#28 opened by kkeonline - 1
[FR] Support for Google Domains DDNS
#26 opened by lightmaster - 2
Support for OVH
#23 opened by Hydci - 1
EasyDDNS.cpp httpCode -1
#11 opened by comertial - 1
Not establishing connection to
#21 opened by ggonmar - 3
Not working when setting a static IP for port forwarding to expose Web server on internet
#20 opened by ptareco1 - 1
- 1
- 3
please add
#1 opened by sphonk - 2
Integration of all-inkl DynDns
#12 opened by laserir - 1
its updating with old ip.
#4 opened by alonewolfx2 - 1
Custom DDNS?
#3 opened by Viniciusvalenca - 3
how to use it.
#2 opened by ajinkyaw