
This data science project on real estate price prediction website. In which first I build a model using sklearn and linear regression using banglore home prices dataset from To write a python flask server that uses the saved model to serve http requests. Third component is the website built in html, css and javascript that allows us to enter home square ft area, bedrooms etc and it will call python flask server to retrieve the predicted price. In this small model building project I use all data science concepts such as data load and cleaning, outlier detection and removal, feature engineering, dimensionality reduction, gridsearchcv for hyperparameter tunning, k fold cross validation etc. Technology and tools wise this project covers:

  1. Python
  2. Numpy and Pandas for data cleaning
  3. Matplotlib for data visualization
  4. Sklearn for model building
  5. Jupyter notebook, visual studio code and pycharm as IDE
  6. Python flask for http server
  7. HTML/CSS/Javascript for UI