
Contact-less food ordering with customers and inventory management. With react front-end and FastAPI(python) backend.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

CSD-345, Software Development lab Project

Project Name - Food Ez

Contactless food ordering and inventory management

Technologies Used

Top Level Directory Layout

├── client          # Frontend
├── server          # Backend
└── README.md

How to run the app

Running server -

For this python>= 3.8 is required

Open a terminal and run the following commands

  • Installing Dependencies

    $ cd server
    $ pip install -r requirements.txt
  • Setting up environment secret key (for encryption)

    $ touch env.py
    $ openssl rand -hex 32

    Copy the generated key inside env.py file, in the same format as given in env.example.py file

  • Starting the server

    $ cd ..
    $ python3 server/main.py
  • Now, the server is hosted at localhost:8000, and the API documentation along with all the endpoints can be accessed at localhost:8000/docs

Running Frontend -

For this node and npm is required

Open a new terminal and run the following commands.

$ cd client
$ npm i
$ npm start

Credentials for Demo

  • Admin Login
    username = admin@foodez.in
    password = 123456
  • Normal User
    username = ay133@snu.edu.in
    password = 123456