Flash Chat ⚡️

Designed the UI of BMI design from Ruben Vaalt suing Flutter. the apps comes with an interactive user interface and calculates the BMI of user using height and Weight taken as input.

How to use

The above application is developed using Flutter and Dart, so you need to execute the following steps before executing the application:

  1. make sure you are using SDK 29 or else change the SDK version
  2. head ove to pubspect.yaml and perform pub get
  3. Open project location and run "flutter run"
You are all set to execute the program.


flutter run


![Finished App](https://github.com/londonappbrewery/Images/blob/master/flash_chat_flutter_demo.gif)


This is a companion project to The App Brewery's Complete Flutter Development Bootcamp, check out the full course at www.appbrewery.co