
website for your notes

Primary LanguageHTML


This is a simple Flask web application that allows you to create notes with markdown support. The app also includes basic authentication to protect your notes with a username and password.


Before running the app, you'll need to fill in the values in config.py. Here are the variables you'll need to set:

  • profile: A dictionary that contains the following keys:
    • USERNAME: The username that will be displayed on the index page
    • ICON_PATH: The path to your profile image
  • AUTH_USERNAME: The username to use for authentication
  • AUTH_PASSWORD: The password to use for authentication

You will also need to install dependencies by running pip install -r requirements.txt


Once you have filled in the configuration variables, you can run the app using the following command:

python app.py

This will start the Flask development server, and you can access the app by navigating to http://localhost:5000 in your web browser.

On the index page, you can create a new note by clicking the "Add Note" button. You can also edit or delete existing notes by clicking the corresponding buttons next to each note.

When creating or editing a note, you can use markdown syntax to format your text. Your notes will be saved as .md files in the notes directory.


Note that the basic authentication provided by this app is not secure enough for production use. If you plan to deploy this app to a public server, you should use a more robust authentication mechanism, such as OAuth or JWT.


If you find a bug or have a feature request, feel free to open an issue or submit a pull request on GitHub.