
A Finder for London's BusStops

Primary LanguageJavaScript

BusStop Finder App

Link: http://ayxos.github.io/LondonBusStopFinder/

This app helps you to find the nearest Bus stop, not just that but also informs you about how many time left.

To build: node, bower and grunt must be already installed, bower download all the external dependencies (libs) like backbone, jquery... in order to keep the repo as clean as can posible. grunt executes different taks like could be: generate Jade files, evaluate Js code using JsHint, concat files, uglifiyng usinig requireJs and clean directories.

Commands to run: - bower install - grunt - node app.js

I choose Backbone, because its the better way to keep all code clean and comprehensive.


How-to use the app:

  • click everywhere in the map to load buststop list.


  • click over bus icon to open the pop up


  • enjoy