
Author: Team Member Names -Ayyoub Al keyyam -Abdullah Alabbadi

Version: 5.0.0


Update: As a user, I want to update book details on my list, so that I can change the book status, or update the book details as I learn more about it.

Getting Started

to get started you need to sign in or register in the web site by using google account or your Email.


Heroku, Terminal,Ubunto,vs Code,Mango database.

Change Log

Task List

The user is allowed to add and delete the book if it is registered on the site

Add server code to handle PUT requests to a /book/:id route. Return the user's entire collection of books, with the updated included.

Add a form in the front end to let the user edit an existing book's details. When the form is submitted, send the new data to the server, and render the response.

Credit and Collaborations

Ayyoub Al Keyyam / Abdullah Alabbadi we work together to make the lab very precise.

Name of feature: Update a Resource.

Estimate of time needed to complete: 1 hour.

Start time: 2:30 PM.

Finish time: 4:00 Pm.

Actual time needed to complete: 1:30 hours.