SATIP server for linux, suitable to run on an Raspberry Pi, Vu+, BeagleBone or any other linux box. currently supporting DVB-S/S2/T/C and transform DVB-S requests to DVB-C

Primary LanguageC++GNU General Public License v2.0GPL-2.0


An SAT>IP server for linux, suitable for running on an Raspberry Pi, VU+, BeagleBone or any other linux box.

See wiki on how to build SatPI

Currently supporting:

  • DVB-S(2), DVB-T(2) and DVB-C
  • Transform for example DVB-S(2) requests to DVB-C
  • RTP/AVP over UDP and TCP
  • Decrypting of channels via DVB-API protocol implemented by OSCam, therefore you need the dvbcsa library and an official subscription
  • Web Interface for monitoring and configuring various things (http port 8875)


Help in any way is appreciated, just send me an email with anything you can contribute to the project, like:

  • coding
  • web design
  • ideas / feature requests
  • test reports
  • spread the word!


If you like and use SatPI then please consider making a donation, to support my effort in developing SatPI.

Thank You.


If you like to contact me, you can do so by sending an email to:

mpostema09 -at- gmail.com

Tested Programs

Tested Hardware


Build Status:

Coverity Scan Build Status Coverity Scan Build Status

To build SatPI just run these commands:

git clone git://github.com/Barracuda09/satpi.git
cd satpi/

See some new commits/changes you need, rebuild with:

cd satpi
git pull

If you need to make a debug version to help with testing, use:

make debug

If you need to clean the project (because there was something wrong), use:

make clean

If you like to try DVBAPI (OSCam), use:

make debug LIBDVBCSA=yes

If you like to run it on an Enigma2 box, use:

make debug ENIGMA=yes

For Cross Compiling, here are some tips you can try (I did not try this myself):

export INCLUDES=--sysroot=dir         (get the sys root like headers and libraries for your device and copy it to dir)
export CXXPREFIX=arm-linux-gnueabihf- (for pointing to a different compiler for your device)
export CXXSUFFIX=                     (for pointing to a different compiler for your device, if it needs it!)
make debug                            (Or some other build you like)

If you like to build the documentation, use:

make docu   (!! you need Doxygen and Graphviz/dot !!)

If you like to build the UML documentation, use:

make plantuml   (!! you need PlantUML !!)


For help on options:

./satpi --help

For normal use just run:

./satpi   (!!Note you should have the appropriate privilege to open tcp/udp port 554!!)