
No requirements.


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Name Source Version
azuread ../modules/aws-iam-azuread-saml-sso n/a


No resources.


Name Description Type Default Required
Azure_AD_SSO_Roles List of IAM Roles to be created. These roles will be federated wih Azure AD SAML 2.0 Auth
name = string
policy_arns = list(string)
permission_boundary_policy_arn = string
[] no
additional_tags Tags as Key/Value pair map. These tags are attached all the resources created by module map(string) {} no
aws_region AWS Region where resources will be created string "us-east-1" no
azure_ad_provisioner_user IAM user to create for Azure AD SSO provisioning, If not specified user will be auto generated string "" no
enable_kms_key_rotation Specifies whether KMS key rotation is enabled bool true no
kms_description The description of the KMS key as viewed in AWS console string "SSM Parameter Store KMS master key used for AzureAD user secret" no
kms_key_deletion_days Duration in days after which the key is deleted after destruction of the resource number 10 no
namespace Namespace used as one of the combination for tags prefix. Usually goes to Name tag string "example" no
pgp_key_file PGP key file path to encrypt the AzureAD user secret_access_key, so that state file will not save them in plain text string n/a yes
saml_xml_file_path An XML document generated by an identity provider that supports SAML 2.0 string n/a yes
stage Stage used as one of the combination for tags prefix. Usually goes to Name tag and helps identify environment. Default is set to dev string "dev" no
use_ssm_store_sso_secrets When set to true, SSM parameter store will be used for storing the secrets for AzureAD user instead of secrets manager bool false no


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