You can use this package for converting or finding out Age from Date of Birth, Date of Birth from Age, or the difference between two Dates or Dates of Birth.


import  {ageIs,dobIs,differentBetweenTowDate}  from  '@azahinhasan/age-calculator'

//retrun the age : ageIs(<DOB>)
ageIs('05/05/2021');  //{ year: 1, month: 5, day: 24 }

//retrun the Date : dobIs(<age in obj form>)
//dobIs parameter obj can contain three types of key: month,day,year
dobIs({month:12,day:0});  //2021-10-29T02:55:18.431Z

//return defferent bettween two date or DOB
differentBetweenTowDate('05/05/2021','05/05/2020');  //{ milliseconds: 31536000000, days: 365 }


const  test = require('@azahinhasan/age-calculator')


//can define count start date in dobIs. If you donn't send any date in 2nd parameter it will count from current date.


//🛑 P.S. package only allow MM/DD/YYYY (01/02/2022) format date

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