This script identifies src property from <img>
tags in .md files, copies the image file to Dropbox (if they were hosted on your Wordpress server), and changes the <img>
tags to .md format.
Download the images hosted on your Wordpress site.
Connect to your host via ftp. You may find the images in something like /wp-content/uploads
Edit the script
to set the correct urls / paths in lines 9-13.srcUrlPrefix
: prefix of the original image src url, excludes the part "year/mo/imagename.jpg",e.g. ''
: prefix of the Dropbox url where you would like to host the image,e.g. ''
: directory on your local machine where you temporarily store the downloaded images from Wordpress.e.g. '/Users/azalea/Downloads/uploads/'
: directory under Dropbox's Public folder where you would like to store the images.e.g. '/Users/azalea/Dropbox/Public/blogimages/'
: directory where your jekyll blog posts are located. i.e. _postse.g. '/Users/azalea/Dropbox/projects/'
Create a test branch for your Jekyll project.
Run the script by:
Check very carefully to see if everything is ok.
If so, merge the test branch to master.
If not, edit the script at your will and retry.