Plugin package manager for Autodesk Fusion (formerly Fusion 360)
- An alloy is a plugin, it is a list of compositions which are differences between versions. This is just a git repo. Commits can be assigned names and / or versions by the creator or user
- The Compositions dir in every device contains all the compositions, theses can be used to download and verify alloys
- Once an alloy is installed, it's stored in the Furnace
- post plugin (verb)
- where all alloys are stored (noun)
- where a series of versions are stored (noun)
- a single version of a plugin (noun)
- compress a single version and or condence a list of versions into a single version (verb: compress)
Cast (verb)
Smelt (verb)
Cavitated (adj)
Crucible (noun)
Decant (verb, pour)
Furnace (noun)
Furnaces heat and contain crucibles (were the versions are stored, this may or may not be the fusion install location)
Crucibles contain alloys
Alloys of the same metals might have different ratios (might do versioning with this analogy)