
A Google Sheet + Twilio implementation, expanding on Twilio's example.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


This is a google sheet + twilio implementation, using pure javascript/gscript.


  • A twilio account
  • Programmable SMS enabled
  • A twilio number


Note: you do not want to share this sheet publicly, as your twilio details will be exposed.

  • Reads configurations from row 3
  • A3 - the sender number (you need to obtain this from twilio)
  • B3 - Twilio Account SID
  • C3 - Twilio Auth Token
  • D3 - Message body


  • First make a google sheet that resembles the screenshot
  • Go to "Tools", and then "Script Editor"
  • Paste everything from ./src/main.js
  • Add an image/drawing element on the sheet that will serve as your "Send" button.
  • Right-click the element, and assign myFunction to it.
  • Add entries you want to send messages to from rows 7 onwards.


  • You can freely modify the message body and what you want to dynamically insert on to your template.
  • Last Sent Date will indicate 3 things:
    • success -
    • error -
    • stopped -
  • The "Stoppted" column will mark a row as "stopped" and skip it in the iteration.


  • make message body and row columns dynamic