
Portfolio website assignment

Primary LanguageHTML


Portfolio website assignment

Setup Assignment3 folder as a git repository

  1. Open terminal
  2. Make sure that you are inside project folder (Assignment3)
  3. Initialize project folder as a git repository

    git init

  4. Show the status of the repository

    git status

  5. Track index.html file

    git add index.html photos.html

  6. Track css/ folder and files inside the css folder

    git add css/

  7. Create .gitignore file and put all the files/folders that we need to ignore

    touch .gitignore (This will create a new file)

  8. Add all files to tracking

    git add . 9 After everything is added to staging area next we will commit git commit -m 'added images to my portfolio'

  9. Show all commits

    git log

  10. Create repsitory on GitHub
  11. Connect local repo to GitHub

    git remote add origin https://github.com/azamsharp/Assignment3.git

  12. Push your code from local repo to GitHub.com

    git push -u origin main