
Yandex, a Russian tech giant, runs a series of educational programs on a regular basis. One of such programs is the School of Interface Development, which is intended for frontend web developers. The challenges for the candidates tend to be fairly sophisticated, and, much like the advent of code challenges, offer a good learning opportunity.

As is Yandex's tradition, it offers three challenges. The first one is to build a web page (or pages) based on the provided design; the second one is to munge some data, and the third one is to identify and fix bugs in a broken code base. This year, the first challenge, which was to build several slides, tied in together nicely with the third one, which was to fix a player that could display those slides.

The repositories for this year's challenges are here. In case they get removed later, the expected design is exported both here or here, and thus may outlive the repositories. The mock-ups have also been exported as images, which can be found here.

This repository is an exercise in solving the first of the challenges using web components. To make the work with web components bearable, I am using lit-element, Google's library that adds some convenience methods to the HTMLElement class to make its properties observable. As this is my first attempt to go full in on web components, I have recorded my impression of them in the notes. I have also solved the third challenge in order to be able to play the slides.