
Hugo Theme for digital gardening projects.

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Digital Garden Theme for Hugo

A simple Hugo theme for your digital garden, inspired by Maggie Appleton website


This theme includes:

  • a digital garden / blog
  • a projects portfolio
  • library notes


Getting started

  1. Install hugo and create a new website: https://gohugo.io/getting-started/quick-start/

  2. Add the theme to your website
    You can either use git submodule or clone the repo in your theme folder

    git submodule add https://github.com/paulmartins/hugo-digital-garden-theme.git themes/digital-garden
    cd themes
    git clone https://github.com/paulmartins/hugo-digital-garden-theme.git
  3. Customize your site in your config.toml. An example is given in the theme folder: themes/digital-garden/exampleSite/config.toml

  4. Run the server and check your localhost:1313

    hugo server

Update to the latest version of the theme

If you used git submodule to add the theme (see Getting started) do

git submodule update --remote --rebase

If you clone the theme, just go in the theme folder and pull

cd themes/digital-garden
git pull
