Top ES6/ES2015 Features


Section 1: Intro

  1. Brief History of JavaScript
  2. ECMAScript
  3. Syntax vs Language Features

Section 2: Syntax Features

  1. Block-Scoped Constructs: Let and Const
  2. Default Parameters
  3. Rest and Spread Parameters
  4. Template Literals
  5. Multi-line Strings
  6. Destructuring Assignment
  7. Arrow Functions
  8. For Of Comprehensions

Section 3: Language Features

  1. Promises
  2. Enhanced Object Literals
  3. Classes
  4. Modules

Section 4: Babel

  1. What is Babel
  2. Using Babel CLI

Section 5: Outro

  1. Further Reading
  2. ES 7
  3. ES Next