Currently support following stats:
- Total stream tweet count
- Avg per second
- Avg per minute
- Avg per hour
- Tweets that contain a URL
- Expanded/unshortened URLs
- Tweets that contain link to pic or instagram
- Tweets that contain an emoji
- Top 10 emojis
- Top 10 hashtags
For example
Total stream tweet count: 61
Avg per second: 10.19
Avg per minute: 611.12
Avg per hour: 36667.22
Tweets that contain a URL: 32.79%
Expanded/unshortened URLs: 21
Tweets that contain link to pic or instagram: 0.00%
Tweets that contain an emoji: 8.20%
Top 10 emojis [ '😍', '😉', '💪', '🐅', '🙌' ]
Top 10 hashtags (out of 6) [
ADD YOUR key, secret, token and token secret from, then run:
npm i
npm start
npm test
- It might need Node 12 or 13.
- It uses shrinkwrap to avoid the
OutgoingMessage.prototype._headers is deprecated