- Java 8
- Scala 2.11.8
- GeoTrellis
- GeoMesa
- GeoDocker cluster
- Spark
- Hadoop
- Accumulo
- HelloWorld.scala
- A common scala HelloWorld
- SparkHelloWorld.scala
- A Spark HelloWorld
- MultibandLandsatIngest.scala
- An example of a hand written ingest job
- CreateNDVIPng.scala
- An example of a hand written ingest job
- GeoMesaQuery
- An example of GeoMesa ingesting / querying
You can build demo with all examples:
./sbt assembly
Result fat jar is target/scala-2.11/mesatrellis-assembly-0.1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
To compile and run this demo, we prepared an environment. To run cluster we have a bit modified docker-compose.yml file:
- To run cluster:
docker-compose up
To check that cluster is operating normally check pages availability:
- Hadoop http://localhost:50070/
- Accumulo http://localhost:50095/
- Spark http://localhost:8080/
To check containers status is possible using following command:
docker ps -a | grep geodocker
Mounted volumes into Spark master continaer:
- '${PWD}/data/landsat:/data/landsat'
- '${PWD}/target/scala-2.11:/data/jars'
More information avaible in a GeoDocker cluster repo.
Log into Spark master container:
docker exec -it geotrellisgeomesatemplateproject_spark-master_1 bash
Run job:
cd / CLASS_NAME=com.azavea.mesatrellis.spark.SparkHelloWorld spark-submit \ --class ${CLASS_NAME} \ --driver-memory=2G \ ./data/jars/mesatrellis-assembly-0.1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
Class name can be any main class from the fat jar.
Run a simple scala application (HelloWorld as an example):
CLASS_NAME=com.azavea.mesatrellis.HelloWorld java -cp ./data/jars/mesatrellis-assembly-0.1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar ${CLASS_NAME}
Run examples through SBT / IDE
Be sure, that Spark dependency is not marked as
, more comments can be found in a build.sbt file.In docker-compose.yml you can notice a commented out section, which start Intelij IDEA 2016.2 Community edition in a docker container with X11 socker forwarding.
is an image with downloaded most of the required java deps into local maven repos. However you can use other tags, which contain "clean" images.
For GeoTrellis tests you need tiles, it is possible Landsat 8 tiles. Prepared instructions can be found here.
Running GeoDocker Cluster on Windows be sure that you have libxml2.dll
and libzma-5.dll
in your Windows/System32
and Windows/SysWOW64
folders. It is necessary for correct
GeoDocker Accumulo start.
Runing GeoDocker Cluster distributed
There are many ways to deploy the required components depending on the load the cluster will be facing and existing infrastructure.
Generally it is safe to collocate all the master
services on one host and scale worker
As each component becomes a bottleneck or competes for resources it may be split out into its own node.
Likewise while the worker
processes benefit from collocation they may be spread over individual nodes and indeed over clusters.
We prepared decomposed docker-compose files that illustrate the minimum separation between nonscalable, master components and worker components. If we map the docker network to machines network these docker-compose files may be used as bases for deployment.
To run each process use: dokcer-compose -f dockercomposefilename.yml up
However this does not solve the resource discovery problem among these components and central pieces, like HDFS master address and Zookeeper address, must be provided as parameters.
Each container should at least set: ${HADOOP_MASTER_ADDRESS}
environment variables.
All docker-compose files use host machine network.
This means that additional attention should be payed to possible ports conflicts.
Containers hould be started in the following order:
- zookeeper(single/scale)
Usually one instance is sufficient. Multiple instance provide high-availability as hot-standby.
- hadoop-name (single) HDFS Namenode, provides filesystem directory service.
- hadoop-sname (single) HDFS Secondary Namenode, provides HDFS checkpoints when merging the HDFS editlogs with fsimage.
- hadoop-data (multiple/scale) HDFS Datanode, manages HDFS block storage and serves clients referred by namenode, scale for added storage.
All roles of HDFS cluster are configured by their copies of core-site.xml
and hdfs-site.xml
environment variable is used to generate this bare-bone configuration.
should be the ip/hostname where hadoop-name
container is running.
- accumulo-master (single) Provides tablet directory, provides central query point, delegates queries to tablet servers, re-balances the Accumulo cluster.
- accumulo-tracer (single/optional) Collects tracers from query clients for debugging.
- accumulo-gc, (single/multiple) Removes Accumulo HDFS files no longer in use by Accumulo. Multiple instances provide hot-standby.
- accumulo-monitor (single/multiple) Provides Accumulo cluster status Web UI page. Multiple instances provide hot-standby.
- accumulo-tserver(multiple/scale) Manages Accumulo tablets on HDFS, components of an accumulo table. Has in-memory record cache.
- Hadoop HDFS: tablet file storage, shared class-path
- Zookeeper: Instance configuration, authentication, shared cluster state
Accumulo requires valid Hadoop configuration, at a minimum core-site.xml
This file is generated from HADOOP_MASTER_ADDRESS
in a same manner used for HDFS containers themselves.
Alternatively if a valid HDFS configuration already exists, for instance if HDFS is not provided by GeoDocker containers, it may be volume mounted to these containers on /etc/hadoop/conf
Accumulo tserver containers find Accumulo master through lookup of INSTANCE_NAME
Similarly Accumulo clients, like spark jobs, required a zookeeper address along with instance name to find and query the Accumulo master.
benefits with being collocated with hadoop-data
containers. However, this is not required and tablet server in-memory cache is designed to mitigate scenarios where these services are not collocated.
- spark-master (single) Provides cluster manager, scheduling spark tasks to be run on available executors.
- spark-worker (single/scale) Spark worker is a container for spark executors which in turn execute specific spark job tasks.
These containers provide Spark standalone cluster. Alternatives include deploying spark through YARN and Mesos.
Currently GeoDocker does not provide containers for deploying YARN or Mesos.
(or any spark executor in general) benefits from being collocated with HDFS datanodes.
When reading files directly from HDFS spark tasks will be distributed with preference for executors that are hosted on the same node as the HDFS blocks.
This mechanism uses the configured host machine name to decide when an executor is collocated with HDFS block.
Therefore it is critical that in those cases both HDFS and spark services are bound to the same interface.
also benefits from being collocated with Accumulo tserver.
During query planning the client queries Accumulo master, which provides tablet distribution, to determine how to distribute tasks that will read from Accumulo.
- idea
Driver program, launched either by
or IntelLiJ IDEA Note: be mindful of configurations for Idea container
Some container/machine will start the JVM that creates the SparkCotnext
, this is the driver program.
It will communicate with spark-master
to request executor resources and then with spark-worker
containers during task execution.
In spark standalone mode this process will always be outside of the Spark executors.
Notably YARN cluster mode YARN is asked to allocate a YARN container for the driver which may be placed on one of the YARN workers, alongside a YARN container hosting a spark executor.
This container should have a stable network connection to spark-master
and spark-executor
s as it will be pushing tasks and collecting their results.
- Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0: http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0