
A demo project for visualizing Infrastructure Bill spending

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Green Equity Demo

This project will demo a couple data visualizations of how and where Infrastructure Bill money is being spent.


Getting Started


A pre-commit hook that lints staged files is included. It can be installed with:

python3 -m pip install pre-commit
pre-commit install

If there are lint failures, they are reported and the commit is aborted. Formatting fixes will be applied automatically. Once any other needed fixes are made, simply reattempt the commit.

The hook can always be ignored with git commit --no-verify.


Rebuild Docker images and run application.



Service Port
Webpack Dev Server 8765




Name Description
bootstrap Setup environment file
citasks Run tasks before building images in CI
clean Free disk space by cleaning up dangling Docker images
console Run interactive shell inside application container
lint Lint source code
server Run Docker Compose services
test Run unit tests
update Build Docker images
yarn Run yarn commands on the app container

Adding new JS/TS Packages

To add a new package to the project:

./scripts/yarn add package-name

Upgrading JS/TS dependencies

The update script uses a --frozen-lockfile flag so when packages need an upgrade:

# Manually change the package.json to upgrade the version and run:

./scripts/yarn install

Use Typescript file watching

Watch for TypeScript changes and list all errors

./scripts/yarn tsc --watch