
Interactive fishway exhibit for the Fairmount Water Works Museum

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Interactive fishway exhibit for the Fairmount Water Works Museum


  • Vagrant 1.8+
  • VirtualBox 4.3
  • Ansible 2.1+

Getting Started

Set Environment Variables

Fishway uses a paid FontAwesome Pro subscription which requires a secret token for use. To configure this, from the project root directory copy the example Docker configuration file:

$ cp docker-compose.env.example docker-compose.env

Open docker-compose.env in a text editor and add the FontAwesome token. Find the token in the Notes section of the FontAwesome entry in LastPass. If using the Lastpass browser extension, "edit" the entry to see the Notes section.

Create the Virtual Environments

Install the application and all required dependencies.



Rebuild Docker images and run application.

vagrant up
vagrant ssh

Optimizing the browser for touchscreen mode

The website hosted at the FWW Museum will be displayed on an ELO touchscreen of 1920 x 1080 screen size, on the latest version of Chrome at the time of initial deployment, on a Windows 10 Pro computer. Windows and Chrome have a lot of built-in touch-initiated interactions that are sub-optimal for the museum display. For example, we don't want activity from pinch-zoom, long taps, or hard left/right swipes. Chrome and Windows allows customization for some of these behaviors and Chrome does save settings. At the time of install, these should be set up:

  • Windows in Tablet mode
  • Windows launch Chrome at startup
  • Windows disable screen edge touch interactions
    • Windows group policy > Computer Configuration > Windows Components > Edge UI > Disable all
  • Chrome fullscreen, full window (F11)
  • Chrome settings, open at the production site
  • Chrome flags at chrome://flags
    • Touch UI Layout set to Enabled
    • Overscroll history navigation set to Disabled
    • Overscroll history navigation on Touchpad set to Disabled
    • Passive Event Listener Override set to True
    • Document Level Event Listeners Passive Default set to Enabled
    • Touch adjustment set to Enabled
    • Pull to refresh set to Disabled


Service Port
Webpack Dev Server 3474




Name Description
cibuild Build project for CI
clean Free disk space by cleaning up dangling Docker images
console Run interactive shell inside application container
lint Lint source code
server Run Docker Compose services
setup Provision Vagrant VM and run update
test Run unit tests
update Build Docker images

Adding NPM Packages

To add a new NPM package to the project:

  • Manually add the package to the project's package.json file, ensuring that you pin it to a specific version.
  • Run ./scripts/update in the VM.
  • Commit the changes to the following files to git:
    • package.json
    • yarn.lock

Installing Fishway at the FWW Museum

In case of project updates, the React app will need to be rebuilt and re-installed on the Windows computer at the FWW Museum.

vagrant up && vagrant ssh

The output fishway.zip is available in the project's dist directory. The zipfile's contents should be unzipped into the IIS home directory on the Windows computer, C:\inetpub\wwwroot.