Repository holds code and data for video classification model - of cars representing particular teams in Formula 1.
: exemplary screenshots of the solution are stored here - to ilustrate how it looks and works, -
: data for checking model accuracy is stored here, -
: binary files with trained ML models used across the solution, -
: folder with apt/python/binary package requirements necessary for API to work properly, -
: folder for serving model-annotated files. Cleaned-up after sending any request to/predict
API endpoint, -
: HTML templates to render withJinja
Python templating framework, -
: folder with Pytorch-related functions, -
: file with objects to be ignored by Docker during build, -
: file with objects to be ignored by Git, -
: Python modules for separating code
API file, -
: Python file with API implementation and endpoints created withFastAPI
framework, -
: improved / fixed jupyter notebook explaining model usage process (by tarik-yilmaz-kanzileri on Roboflow), -
-based file you are currently reading, -
: file with full package requirements, necessary for above-mentionedjupyter notebook
to work without errors.
docker build --no-cache \
--build-arg MINIO_URL="<change_me>" \
--build-arg MINIO_ACCESS_KEY="<change_me>" \
--build-arg MINIO_SECRET_KEY="<change_me>" \
-t f1-recognition-model:v0.7 -f Dockerfile .
docker run -it \
-e MINIO_URL="<change_me>" \
-e MINIO_ACCESS_KEY="<change_me>" \
-e MINIO_SECRET_KEY="<change_me>" \
minikube image load f1-recognition-model:v0.7
bounding box with Team name and probability