
These are some exercise solutions which I solved after learning sections on Udemy course.

Primary LanguagePython

🐍 Python for Data Science and Machine Learning Bootcamp Exercise Solutions

Welcome to my repository of exercise solutions from the Udemy course Python for Data Science and Machine Learning Bootcamp. This repository also includes links to my blog posts on Dev.to, where I share insights and tutorials based on what I've learned.

Excited programmer gif

📚 Table of Contents

🌟 About the Project

This repository contains solutions to exercises from the Python for Data Science and Machine Learning Bootcamp on Udemy. The course covers a wide range of topics, including Python programming, data manipulation, data visualization, and machine learning. Additionally, I have written several blog posts on Dev.to to share my learning journey and insights.

Coding cat gif

🎨 Features

  • Solutions to various exercises from the Udemy course
  • Blog posts on Dev.to covering different topics in data science and machine learning
  • Clean and well-documented code
  • A touch of beginner's enthusiasm!

🖥️ Demo

Check out the live demo of my blog posts on Dev.to:

🚀 Getting Started

To view this project locally:

  1. Clone this repository
  2. Navigate to the respective directories for exercise solutions
  3. Open the .ipynb files in Jupyter Notebook or any compatible environment
  4. Start exploring!

🔍 Usage

Feel free to use this project as:

  • A learning resource for Python, data science, and machine learning
  • A reference for solving similar exercises
  • Inspiration for your own data science projects

🤝 Contributing

While this is a personal learning project, I'm always open to suggestions and feedback! Feel free to:

  • Fork the project
  • Create a pull request
  • Open an issue
  • Share your thoughts!

📜 License

This project is open source and available under the MIT License.

🙏 Acknowledgements

  • Udemy for the comprehensive course
  • The web development and data science community for constant inspiration

Happy Coding! 🎈

Coding animation gif