
A file explorer tree for neovim written in lua

Primary LanguageLuaOtherNOASSERTION

A File Explorer For Neovim Written In Lua



This plugin requires neovim >=0.7.0.

If you have issues since the recent setup migration, check out this guide


Install with vim-plug:

" requires
Plug 'kyazdani42/nvim-web-devicons' " for file icons
Plug 'kyazdani42/nvim-tree.lua'

Install with packer:

use {
    requires = {
      'kyazdani42/nvim-web-devicons', -- optional, for file icon
    tag = 'nightly' -- optional, updated every week. (see issue #1193)


Setup should be run in a lua file or in a lua heredoc (:help lua-heredoc) if using in a vim file.

Legacy g: options have been migrated to the setup function. See this issue for information on migrating your configuration.

Setup may only be run once; subsequent calls will result in a warning. Do not invoke from, say, a packer config function and then call it again later.

" vimrc
nnoremap <C-n> :NvimTreeToggle<CR>
nnoremap <leader>r :NvimTreeRefresh<CR>
nnoremap <leader>n :NvimTreeFindFile<CR>
" More available functions:
" NvimTreeOpen
" NvimTreeClose
" NvimTreeFocus
" NvimTreeFindFileToggle
" NvimTreeResize
" NvimTreeCollapse
" NvimTreeCollapseKeepBuffers

set termguicolors " this variable must be enabled for colors to be applied properly

" a list of groups can be found at `:help nvim_tree_highlight`
highlight NvimTreeFolderIcon guibg=blue
-- init.lua

-- empty setup using defaults: add your own options
require'nvim-tree'.setup {

-- OR

-- setup with all defaults
-- each of these are documented in `:help nvim-tree.OPTION_NAME`
-- nested options are documented by accessing them with `.` (eg: `:help nvim-tree.view.mappings.list`).
require'nvim-tree'.setup { -- BEGIN_DEFAULT_OPTS
  auto_reload_on_write = true,
  create_in_closed_folder = false,
  disable_netrw = false,
  hijack_cursor = false,
  hijack_netrw = true,
  hijack_unnamed_buffer_when_opening = false,
  ignore_buffer_on_setup = false,
  open_on_setup = false,
  open_on_setup_file = false,
  open_on_tab = false,
  sort_by = "name",
  update_cwd = false,
  reload_on_bufenter = false,
  respect_buf_cwd = false,
  view = {
    adaptive_size = false,
    centralize_selection = false,
    width = 30,
    height = 30,
    hide_root_folder = false,
    side = "left",
    preserve_window_proportions = false,
    number = false,
    relativenumber = false,
    signcolumn = "yes",
    mappings = {
      custom_only = false,
      list = {
        -- user mappings go here
  renderer = {
    add_trailing = false,
    group_empty = false,
    highlight_git = false,
    full_name = false,
    highlight_opened_files = "none",
    root_folder_modifier = ":~",
    indent_markers = {
      enable = false,
      icons = {
        corner = "",
        edge = "",
        item = "",
        none = "  ",
    icons = {
      webdev_colors = true,
      git_placement = "before",
      padding = " ",
      symlink_arrow = "",
      show = {
        file = true,
        folder = true,
        folder_arrow = true,
        git = true,
      glyphs = {
        default = "",
        symlink = "",
        folder = {
          arrow_closed = "",
          arrow_open = "",
          default = "",
          open = "",
          empty = "",
          empty_open = "",
          symlink = "",
          symlink_open = "",
        git = {
          unstaged = "",
          staged = "",
          unmerged = "",
          renamed = "",
          untracked = "",
          deleted = "",
          ignored = "",
    special_files = { "Cargo.toml", "Makefile", "README.md", "readme.md" },
  hijack_directories = {
    enable = true,
    auto_open = true,
  update_focused_file = {
    enable = false,
    update_cwd = false,
    ignore_list = {},
  ignore_ft_on_setup = {},
  system_open = {
    cmd = "",
    args = {},
  diagnostics = {
    enable = false,
    show_on_dirs = false,
    icons = {
      hint = "",
      info = "",
      warning = "",
      error = "",
  filters = {
    dotfiles = false,
    custom = {},
    exclude = {},
  filesystem_watchers = {
    enable = false,
    interval = 100,
  git = {
    enable = true,
    ignore = true,
    timeout = 400,
  actions = {
    use_system_clipboard = true,
    change_dir = {
      enable = true,
      global = false,
      restrict_above_cwd = false,
    expand_all = {
      max_folder_discovery = 300,
    open_file = {
      quit_on_open = false,
      resize_window = true,
      window_picker = {
        enable = true,
        chars = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ1234567890",
        exclude = {
          filetype = { "notify", "packer", "qf", "diff", "fugitive", "fugitiveblame" },
          buftype = { "nofile", "terminal", "help" },
    remove_file = {
      close_window = true,
  trash = {
    cmd = "gio trash",
    require_confirm = true,
  live_filter = {
    prefix = "[FILTER]: ",
    always_show_folders = true,
  log = {
    enable = false,
    truncate = false,
    types = {
      all = false,
      config = false,
      copy_paste = false,
      diagnostics = false,
      git = false,
      profile = false,
      watcher = false,


The list option in view.mappings.list is a table of

-- key can be either a string or a table of string (lhs)
-- action is the name of the action, set to `""` to remove default action
-- action_cb is the function that will be called, it receives the node as a parameter. Optional for default actions
-- mode is normal by default

local tree_cb = require'nvim-tree.config'.nvim_tree_callback

local function print_node_path(node) {

local list = {
  { key = {"<CR>", "o" }, action = "edit", mode = "n"},
  { key = "p", action = "print_path", action_cb = print_node_path },
  { key = "s", cb = tree_cb("vsplit") }, --tree_cb and the cb property are deprecated
  { key = "<2-RightMouse>", action = "" }, -- will remove default cd action


Default Keys Action Description
edit open a file or folder; root will cd to the above directory
<C-e> edit_in_place edit the file in place, effectively replacing the tree explorer
O edit_no_picker same as (edit) with no window picker
cd cd in the directory under the cursor
<C-v> vsplit open the file in a vertical split
<C-x> split open the file in a horizontal split
<C-t> tabnew open the file in a new tab
< prev_sibling navigate to the previous sibling of current file/directory
> next_sibling navigate to the next sibling of current file/directory
P parent_node move cursor to the parent directory
<BS> close_node close current opened directory or parent
<Tab> preview open the file as a preview (keeps the cursor in the tree)
K first_sibling navigate to the first sibling of current file/directory
J last_sibling navigate to the last sibling of current file/directory
I toggle_git_ignored toggle visibility of files/folders hidden via git.ignore option
H toggle_dotfiles toggle visibility of dotfiles via filters.dotfiles option
U toggle_custom toggle visibility of files/folders hidden via filters.custom option
R refresh refresh the tree
a create add a file; leaving a trailing / will add a directory
d remove delete a file (will prompt for confirmation)
D trash trash a file via trash option
r rename rename a file
<C-r> full_rename rename a file and omit the filename on input
x cut add/remove file/directory to cut clipboard
c copy add/remove file/directory to copy clipboard
p paste paste from clipboard; cut clipboard has precedence over copy; will prompt for confirmation
y copy_name copy name to system clipboard
Y copy_path copy relative path to system clipboard
gy copy_absolute_path copy absolute path to system clipboard
[c prev_git_item go to next git item
]c next_git_item go to prev git item
- dir_up navigate up to the parent directory of the current file/directory
s system_open open a file with default system application or a folder with default file manager, using system_open option
f live_filter live filter nodes dynamically based on regex matching.
F clear_live_filter clear live filter
q close close tree window
W collapse_all collapse the whole tree
E expand_all expand the whole tree, stopping after expanding actions.expand_all.max_folder_discovery folders; this might hang neovim for a while if running on a big folder
S search_node prompt the user to enter a path and then expands the tree to match the path
. run_file_command enter vim command mode with the file the cursor is on
<C-k> toggle_file_info toggle a popup with file infos about the file under the cursor
g? toggle_help toggle help
  view.mappings.list = { -- BEGIN_DEFAULT_MAPPINGS
    { key = { "<CR>", "o", "<2-LeftMouse>" }, action = "edit" }
    { key = "<C-e>",                          action = "edit_in_place" }
    { key = "O",                              action = "edit_no_picker" }
    { key = { "<C-]>", "<2-RightMouse>" },    action = "cd" }
    { key = "<C-v>",                          action = "vsplit" }
    { key = "<C-x>",                          action = "split" }
    { key = "<C-t>",                          action = "tabnew" }
    { key = "<",                              action = "prev_sibling" }
    { key = ">",                              action = "next_sibling" }
    { key = "P",                              action = "parent_node" }
    { key = "<BS>",                           action = "close_node" }
    { key = "<Tab>",                          action = "preview" }
    { key = "K",                              action = "first_sibling" }
    { key = "J",                              action = "last_sibling" }
    { key = "I",                              action = "toggle_git_ignored" }
    { key = "H",                              action = "toggle_dotfiles" }
    { key = "U",                              action = "toggle_custom" }
    { key = "R",                              action = "refresh" }
    { key = "a",                              action = "create" }
    { key = "d",                              action = "remove" }
    { key = "D",                              action = "trash" }
    { key = "r",                              action = "rename" }
    { key = "<C-r>",                          action = "full_rename" }
    { key = "x",                              action = "cut" }
    { key = "c",                              action = "copy" }
    { key = "p",                              action = "paste" }
    { key = "y",                              action = "copy_name" }
    { key = "Y",                              action = "copy_path" }
    { key = "gy",                             action = "copy_absolute_path" }
    { key = "[c",                             action = "prev_git_item" }
    { key = "]c",                             action = "next_git_item" }
    { key = "-",                              action = "dir_up" }
    { key = "s",                              action = "system_open" }
    { key = "f",                              action = "live_filter" }
    { key = "F",                              action = "clear_live_filter" }
    { key = "q",                              action = "close" }
    { key = "W",                              action = "collapse_all" }
    { key = "E",                              action = "expand_all" }
    { key = "S",                              action = "search_node" }
    { key = ".",                              action = "run_file_command" }
    { key = "<C-k>",                          action = "toggle_file_info" }
    { key = "g?",                             action = "toggle_help" }

Tips & reminders

  1. You can add a directory by adding a / at the end of the paths, entering multiple directories BASE/foo/bar/baz will add directory foo, then bar and add a file baz to it.
  2. You can update window options for the tree by setting require"nvim-tree.view".View.winopts.MY_OPTION = MY_OPTION_VALUE
  3. toggle has a second parameter which allows to toggle without focusing the explorer (require"nvim-tree".toggle(false, true)).
  4. You can allow nvim-tree to behave like vinegar (see :help nvim-tree-vinegar).
  5. If you :set nosplitright, the files will open on the left side of the tree, placing the tree window in the right side of the file you opened.
  6. You can automatically close the tab/vim when nvim-tree is the last window in the tab: nvim-tree#1115. WARNING: other plugins or automation may interfere with this.

Diagnostic Logging

You may enable diagnostic logging to $XDG_CACHE_HOME/nvim/nvim-tree.log. See :help nvim-tree.log.

Performance Issues

If you are experiencing performance issues with nvim-tree.lua, you can enable profiling in the logs. It is advisable to enable git logging at the same time, as that can be a source of performance problems.

log = {
  enable = true,
  truncate = true,
  types = {
    git = true,
    profile = true,

Please attach $XDG_CACHE_HOME/nvim/nvim-tree.log if you raise an issue.

Performance Tips:

  • If you are using fish as an editor shell (which might be fixed in the future), try set shell=/bin/bash in your vim config. Alternatively, you can prevent fish from loading interactive configuration in a non-interactive shell.

  • Try manually running the git command (see the logs) in your shell e.g. git --no-optional-locks status --porcelain=v1 --ignored=matching -u.

  • Huge git repositories may timeout after the default git.timeout of 400ms. Try increasing that in your setup if you see [git] job timed out in the logs.

  • Try temporarily disabling git integration by setting git.enable = false in your setup.

Help Wanted

Developers with the following environments:

  • Apple macOS
  • Windows
    • WSL
    • msys
    • powershell

Help triaging, diagnosing and fixing issues specific to those environments is needed, as the nvim-tree developers do not have access to or expertise in these environments.


PRs are always welcome. See CONTRIBUTING.md


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