Dockerized MRTG build for Raspberry Pi
docker run -tdP -v /volume/to/mrtg:/var/www/mrtg azcoigreach/mrtg
add '--restart unless-stopped' to the command line to daemonize mrtg
This build is designed to evaluate a router at public@, store that data in /var/www/mrtg and output the MRTG data to a shared volume.
MRTG configuration file is located at /mrtgcfg/mrtg.cfg
The supervisord plugin is also included. And is managing the SSH connection as well as deamonizing the MRTG program.
Use 'docker ps' ps to identify which port instance the container is connected too. 'ssh root@localhost -p [container-port]'
Root password for the container is set in the Dockerfile. Replace screencast with your password and build.
Commands can also be sent to the container after is is running without SSH. Using the 'docker exec' command. *It may take up to 5 minutes after mrtg runs for data to accumlate for the indemaker to function properly.
docker exec [container id] indexmaker /mrtgcfg/mrtg.cfg --output=/var/www/mrtg/index.html