
Ruby API client for LessNeglect

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT

LessNeglect Ruby Client

Allow your Ruby app to easily submit server-side messages and events to LessNeglect.


In your Gemfile:

gem 'lessneglect'


person = LessNeglectApi::Person.new({
    :name => "Christopher Gooley",
    :email => "gooley@foliohd.com",
    :external_identifer => "gooley",
    :properties => {
      :account_level => "Pro",
      :is_paying => True,
      :created_at => 1347060566

event = LessNeglectApi::ActionEvent.new({
    :name => "upgraded"

api = LessNeglectApi::Client.new({
    :code => "abcdefg",
    :secret => "1234asdfasdf1234"

api.create_action_event(person, event)

Sample Helper Class

We suggest you create a simple helper class such as /lib/neglect.rb to convert your User model into a LessNeglect Person and submit the event.

Here's a sample gist of what the helper could look like: https://gist.github.com/3738364

then you can make one-line event logs:

Neglect.log_event(@current_user, "uploaded-media")

Copyright (c) 2011-2012 Christopher Gooley, Less Neglect. See LICENSE.txt for further details.