
A custom parser/auto-formatter for Standard ML

Primary LanguageStandard MLMIT LicenseMIT


A custom parser and code formatter for Standard ML. smlfmt is fast, configurable, and usable for large projects.

Most of the SML code in this repository (everything in src, except src/lib) has been formatted by smlfmt. Take a look!

(Jan 10, 2023): Released v1.0.0!

(Dec 29, 2022): changed repository name to smlfmt (used to be parse-sml).


  • Full support for Standard ML according to the formal definition.
  • Fast -- see performance results below.
  • Usable for large projects.
  • Helpful error messages with visual code references and syntax highlighting.
  • Support for various SuccessorML syntax extensions.
  • Configurable indentation size and maximum width.


smlfmt is fast enough for live reformatting on large individual files, and can reformat large projects in seconds.

Here are measurements for smlfmt --preview-only INPUT > out on my MacBook Air (M2, 2022).

Input Size (LoC) Time
src/prettier-print/PrettierExpAndDec.sml 1024 31 ms
src/base/PrettyTabbedDoc.sml 1349 29 ms
src/parse/ParseExpAndDec.sml 1363 28 ms
MLton elaborate-core.fun 3942 104 ms
MLton x86-allocate-registers.fun 11034 216 ms
Entire smlfmt source code (smlfmt.mlb) 20000 (approx.) 305 ms
Entire MLton source code (mlton.mlb) 160000 (approx.) 6.6s

(Timings are averages reported by hyperfine.)

Examples: Error Messages

Example 1

Example 2

Build and run

You need mlton installed.

Do make and then pass a .sml file, for example:

$ make
$ ./smlfmt --preview src/smlfmt.sml

You can pass a .mlb file to format all files in a project. Use --force to skip overwrite confirmations.

$ ./smlfmt --force src/smlfmt.mlb

To pass code through stdin and stdout, use the --stdio flag.

$ echo "val x = 5 val y = 6" | ./smlfmt --stdio

Command-line options

--force skips overwrite confirmations.

--preview also prints any formatted code to stdout, with syntax highlighting (if shown on terminal supporting ANSI colors).

--preview-only is the same as --preview, but also skips writing to file. (This is incompatible with --force.)

--stdio reads SML input from stdin, and outputs the formatted SML to stdout. (This is incompatible with file inputs and the flags above.)

-mlb-path-var '<key> <value>' for handling path variables, similar to MLton's path maps.

-ribbon-frac <real> (default 1.0) controls pretty-printing. The ribbon-frac (between 0 and 1) controls how dense each line is, excluding indentation. Low ribbon-fracs will have very little non-whitespace content on each line, whereas high ribbon-fracs will attempt to fill the line as much as possible. Default = 1.0

-max-width <int> (default 80) controls pretty-printing. This is the desired maximum number of columns in each line. Note that it is not always possible to ensure that the output is within the max width. (For example, deeply nested let...in...end expressions will always indent further, and long comments/strings are not broken up.)

-indent-width <int> (default 2) is the desired number of spaces used in the formatted output.

-tab-width <int> (default 4) informs the pretty-printer of the intended tab-width for the input source. Typically this doesn't matter, but there are some cases where a particular tab-width can influence the vertical alignment of multiline comments and strings. (See discussion in issue #28 for more details.)

-engine [pretty|prettier] (default prettier) selects which pretty printing engine to use. The prettier engine is the newest version. The pretty engine is the old version.

--debug-engine enables debugging output, for developers. This flag requires that the --preview-only flag is also enabled.

-allow-top-level-exps [true|false] (default true) controls whether or not top-level expressions (terminated by a semicolon) are allowed.

-allow-opt-bar [true|false] (default false) controls whether or not SuccessorML optional bar syntax is allowed.

-allow-record-pun-exps [true|false] (default false) controls whether or not SuccessorML record punning syntax is allowed.

-allow-or-pats [true|false] (default false) controls whether or not SuccessorML or-pattern syntax is allowed.

-allow-extended-text-consts [true|false] (default false) controls whether or not SuccessorML extended text constants are allowed. Enable this to allow for UTF-8 characters within strings.