

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Serverless, secure & persistent multichat body { font-family: "Red Hat Display"; background-color: #ecf0f1; } div { text-align: center; } p { margin: 0.18em; } #chatbox { height: 25rem; text-align: left; width: 95%; margin: 0 auto; overflow-y: scroll; } .row { width: 100%; margin: 0; padding: 0 2em; }

Enter your username

My username



{{ peerError }}

Crafted with ❤ by Rubilmax


Crafted with ❤ by Rubilmax

Your username: {{ usernameInput }}

Target username


Disconnect from server_logout_

{{ peerError }}

You are disconnected!

You can still talk to connected users, but won't be able to reach or be reached by any new user!

Connected users

portrait{{ usernameInput }}

portrait{{ getUsername(peerId) }}


{{ chat.sender }}: {{ chat.message }}

Your message


const appPrefix = "secure-p2p-multichat-"; // the prefix we will preprend to usernames const oldChats = localStorage.getItem("chats"); const chats = oldChats ? JSON.parse(oldChats) : []; // oldChats may be undefined, which throws error if passed into JSON.parse const app = new Vue({ el: "#app", data: { screen: "login", // initialize at login screen usernameInput: localStorage.getItem("username"), // to load saved username peerError: "", loading: false, peer: {}, // initialize as empty object instead of undefined targetIdInput: "", peerIds: [], // connected to nobody at first connections: {}, // maps peerIds to their correspondig PeerJS's DataConnection objects chats, chatMessageInput: "" }, // in case you want to enable automatic login /*mounted: function () { if (this.usernameInput && this.usernameInput.length > 0) { this.submitLogin(); } },*/ watch: { chats: function () { const chatbox = document.getElementById("chatbox"); if (chatbox) chatbox.scrollTop = 99999999; // to automatically scroll the chatbox to the most recent chat message } }, methods: { // util functions to convert username to peer ids and vice-versa getPeerId: username => appPrefix + username, getUsername: peerId => peerId ? peerId.slice(appPrefix.length) : "", // we keep track of connections ourselves as suggested in peerjs's documentation addConnection: function (conn) { this.connections[conn.peer] = conn; this.updatePeerIds(); console.log(`Connected to ${conn.peer}!`); }, removeConnection: function (conn) { delete this.connections[conn.peer]; this.updatePeerIds(); }, updatePeerIds: function () { this.peerIds = Object.keys(this.connections); }, disconnectPeer: function () { this.peer.disconnect(); }, // called to properly configure connection's client listeners configureConnection: function (conn) { conn.on("data", data => { // if data is about connections (the list of peers sent when connected) if (data.type === "connections") { data.peerIds.forEach(peerId => { if (!this.connections[peerId]) { this.initiateConnection(peerId); } }); } else if (data.type === "chat") { this.receiveChat(data.chat); } // please note here that if data.type is undefined, this endpoint won't do anything! }); conn.on("close", () => this.removeConnection(conn)); conn.on("error", () => this.removeConnection(conn)); // if the caller joins have a call, we merge calls conn.metadata.peerIds.forEach(peerId => { if (!this.connections[peerId]) { this.initiateConnection(peerId); } }); }, // called to initiate a connection (by the caller) initiateConnection: function (peerId) { if (!this.peerIds.includes(peerId) && peerId !== this.peer.id) { this.loading = true; this.peerError = ""; console.log(`Connecting to ${peerId}...`); const options = { metadata: { // if the caller has peers, we send them to merge calls peerIds: this.peerIds }, serialization: "json" }; const conn = this.peer.connect(peerId, options); this.configureConnection(conn); conn.on("open", () => { this.addConnection(conn); if (this.getUsername(conn.peer) === this.targetIdInput) { this.targetIdInput = ""; this.loading = false; } }); } }, createPeer: function () { // options are useful in development to connect to local peerjs server this.peer = new Peer(this.getPeerId(this.usernameInput)/*, { host: 'bitqap.com', port: 443, path: 'ar/call/chat.html' }*/); // when peer is connected to signaling server this.peer.on("open", () => { this.screen = "chat"; // changing screen this.loading = false; this.peerError = ""; }); // error listener this.peer.on("error", error => { if (error.type === "peer-unavailable") { // if connection with new peer can't be established this.loading = false; this.peerError = `${this.targetIdInput} is unreachable!`; // custom error message this.targetIdInput = ""; } else if (error.type === "unavailable-id") { // if requested id (thus username) is already taken this.loading = false; this.peerError = `${this.usernameInput} is already taken!`; // custom error message } else this.peerError = error; // default error message }); // when peer receives a connection this.peer.on('connection', conn => { if (!this.peerIds.includes(conn.peer)) { this.configureConnection(conn); conn.on("open", () => { this.addConnection(conn); // send every connection previously established to connect everyone (merge chat rooms) conn.send({ type: "connections", peerIds: this.peerIds }); }); } }); }, submitLogin: function (event) { if (event) event.preventDefault(); // to prevent default behavior which is to POST to the same page if (this.usernameInput.length > 0 && !this.loading) { this.loading = true; // update status this.peerError = ""; // reset error status localStorage.setItem("username", this.usernameInput); // set username cookie to instanciate it at the next session this.createPeer(); } }, submitConnection: function (event) { event.preventDefault(); // to prevent default behavior which is to POST to the same page const peerId = this.getPeerId(this.targetIdInput); // the peer's id we want to connect to this.initiateConnection(peerId); }, receiveChat: function (chat) { this.chats.push(chat); localStorage.setItem("chats", JSON.stringify(this.chats)); }, submitChat: function (event) { event.preventDefault(); // to prevent default behavior which is to POST to the same page if (this.chatMessageInput.length > 0) { // the chat object's data const chat = { sender: this.usernameInput, message: this.chatMessageInput, timestamp: new Date().getTime() }; this.receiveChat(chat); // simulate receiving a chat // send chat object to connected users Object.values(this.connections).forEach(conn => { conn.send({ type: "chat", chat }); }); this.chatMessageInput = ""; // reset chat message input } } } });