
DEPRECATED: I'm using labstack/echo now.

Primary LanguageGo


Minimalistic Go Library for Creating JSON API Servers. (Deprecated: labstack/echo is much better)

import "github.com/azer/atlas"

var api = atlas.New(atlas.Map{ "/": Hello })

func Hello(request *atlas.Request) *atlas.Response {
	return atlas.Success("Hello World")


It'll output the JSON encoding of whatever is returned from request handlers:

$ curl localhost:8080
{ ok: true, result: "Hello World" }

JSONP is enabled by default:

$ curl localhost:8080?callback=foobar
foobar({ ok: true, result: "Hello World" })


$ go get github.com/azer/atlas


Create a new API by defining Sinatra-like routes:

import "github.com/azer/atlas"

var api = atlas.New(atlas.Map{
	"/user/:name/:surname": User,
	"/company/:id": Company,
	"/hello": Hello,

Every route points to a function (atlas.Handler) that takes *atlas.Request and returns a *Response. Atlas comes with Success and Error functions that converts anything to a response:

func Hello(request *atlas.Request) *atlas.Response {
	return atlas.Success("Hello World")

You can start the API by calling Start method:


Atlas will output JSON for you:

$ curl http://localhost:8080/hello
{ ok: true, result: "Hello World!" }

If you leave "/" without a handler, Atlas will show a simple API index by default:

$ curl http://localhost:8080/
  "welcome": true,
  "endpoints": [

You can return structs, maps, etc... Atlas will output them as JSON for you:

type Person struct { Name, Surname string }

func User(request *atlas.Request) *atlas.Response {
	return atlas.Success(&Person{request.Params["name"], request.Params["surname"]})

Requests to /user/:name/:surname will get:

$ curl http://localhost:8080/user/john/smith
  ok: true,
  result: {
    Name: "john",
    Surname: "smith"

JSON Form Posts

To read JSON form posts easily;

func HelloWorld (request *atlas.Request) *atlas.Response {
  var data map[string]string
  err := request.JSONPost(&data)
  if err != nil {
    return atlas.Error(500, err)
  return atlas.Success(data)

Using JSON Tags

If you'd like to modify struct keys for API, here is an example of how to do it:

type Person struct {
  Name string `json:"name"`
  Surname string `json:"surname"`

Error Handling

Atlas also has a handy method to produce errors:

func Company(request *atlas.Request) *atlas.Response {
	return atlas.Error(500, "Not Implemented Yet")

Will output:

$ curl localhost:8080/company/foobar
  error: "Not implemented yet"

Checkout examples/ for more info.



Atlas will pass you its modified version of requests:

type Request struct {
	Header map[string][]string
	Params urlrouter.Params

	Method string
	Host   string
	URL    *url.URL
	GET    bool
	POST   bool

	Body     io.ReadCloser
	Form     url.Values
	PostForm url.Values
	Query    url.Values


If you'd like to structure the entire response, including the wrapper, use Manual instead of Success or Error. Here is an example of how to do that:

func Hello(request *atlas.Request) *atlas.Response {
	return atlas.Manual(200, "Hello World")


To provide your own net.Listener, call Listen:

listener, _ := net.Listen("tcp", "")

var api = atlas.New(atlas.Map{ "/": Hello })


Atlas uses debug for logging. Enable verbose mode by:

DEBUG=* go run my server