
Twin Peaks battleground in Wotlk3.3.5a as module for AzerothCore

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Twin Peaks

Twin Peaks


This module is a backport of the Cataclysm battleground Twin Peaks that makes it available on Wotlk 3.3.5a.

How to get this module?

The module is not open source, it is only for AzerothCore contributors. If you are an AC contributor rank 4, request this module to @Helias in our discord server.
If you are not a contributor yet, ask admins to get the contributor rank and afterward contact Helias on Discord.

There are many ways to become a contributor. You can help by sending PRs, testing PRs, improving the wiki, giving support to other users, etc... Contributing is not limited to programmers only, everyone is able to help. You too!

In short words, you become a contributor if you make one of the followings:

  • have at least one Pull Request merged
  • test a few Pull Requests
  • write 3 new wiki pages or (1-2 big one)

Alternatively, you can get this module by donating 150$ to the AzerothCore organization. All the money donated to AzerothCore will be used to maintaining the infrastructure and support the community.

How does the battleground work?

This is a Capture The Flag (CTF), like Warsong Gulch. The players have to capture 3 flags to win.

Twin Peaks World Map Twin Peaks Load Screen Twin Peaks Zone Area


This module requires


AzerothCore: repository - website - discord chat community