
Compiled, modified and shortened RPG rules based on the Spacemaster, Rolemaster & Cyberspace systems by ICE.

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This is intended as a quick reference for commonly used rules and charts during play.

Character Activity Rules

The type of action a character can perform during play are most commonly classified as either a simple action or a Maneuver (complex action).

simple actions are normal movement and routine activities such as breathing, eating, walking, climbing stairs, drawing a weapon, operating an information terminal, using a screwdriver, etc. and do not require any rolls to resolve (the player simply states what he intends his character to do).


Maneuvers are actions which under normal circumstances have a chance of failing and usually entail an element of risk. Unusual activities (e.g., swimming, climbing a rope, running up or down stairs, piloting a spacecraft, opening a locked safe, etc.) and activities performed under stress (e.g., running, dodging, stalking, hiding, hacking a security system, engaging in combat etc.) are maneuvers and require rolls. The GM is the final judge as to what is a maneuver and requires a maneuver roll, and what is normal activity and doesn’t require a roll.

When a player indicates that they want their character to attempt a Maneuver as their action:

  1. GM assigns any applicable modifiers to the maneuver.
  2. The character decides whether or not to perform the maneuver.
  3. If he decides to perform the maneuver, an open-ended roll is made, adding appropriate bonus along with any other applicable modifications.
  4. A result is obtained by applying the modified roll to the appropriate chart.

Maneuvers are subdivided into various maneuver types, each with their own charts for resolving the maneuver roll:

Moving Maneuvers

Any complex or unusual movement, or physical activities performed under stress (running up or down stairs, climbing, swimming, riding, stalking, balancing a ledge, acrobatics, dodging, tumbling, diving, etc.).


Any attempts to affect or harm an opponent with or without a weapon. Successful attacks beat down the target’s body and will to fight (hits) and may also cause specific acute injuries (criticals). Defenders can avoid injuries through dodging, parrying, or armor.

Attacks are a special kind of maneuver where the maneuver roll is resolved on an appropriate attack table (specific for weapon type), often requiring a second roll on the Fumble and Failure Tables or a specific critical table.

Equipment Operation Maneuvers

Any unusual use of equipment, equipment use under stress, or usage of unfamiliar technology. Operating simple, standard equipment (e.g., a telephone, an information terminal, etc.) should be a routine maneuver with an additional +50 modification.

Perception Maneuvers

Any observation, orientation, data-gathering activity.

Orientation roll If a character takes a confusing action (e.g., teleports, dives, falls, is knocked down, etc.) or is surprised, the GM may need to determine the awareness and readiness of the character. In this case, the GM may require an orientation roll -20.

Pick locks/Disarm traps/Bypass Maneuvers

Any kind of mechanical, electronic or software override.

First Aid Maneuvers

Healing of any light injury - or slowing or halting the effects of some medium or severe injuries (useless against nerve or organ damage). More complicated problems require surgery. Requires First Aid equipment (bandages, compresses, splints, etc.).

Influence/Interaction Maneuvers

Using social skills, influencing other characters, voice and gesture interaction with machines.

Construction/Research Maneuvers

Construction and Research tasks are an unusual variety of Maneuver — the character can never quite be certain how long they take until he is at least partially finished.

Repair Maneuvers

An unusual variety of Maneuver - the character can never quite be certain how long it takes until he is at least partially finished. Modified by the appropriate Technical skill bonus.

General Static Maneuvers

Any other (not covered above) complex or unusual activity not involving significant movement.

Vehicular Maneuvers

All driving, steering or other maneuvering control of any vehicle (bicycle, car, spacecraft, or any type of air and water craft, etc.).

  • Vehicular Maneuver/Astrogation Chart.