
NANO - Template Engine

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

NANO - Template Engine

Codacy Badge


The nano() method replaces text like {user.lastname} with data from an JSON object like {user: {lastname: 'demo'}}.


  bower install js-nano-template


  npm install js-nano-template


  yarn add js-nano-template


  nano(t, d[, u])


t (string)
The template string in which the replacement should happen.

d (object)
The JSON object.

u (boolean)
Optional. Whether strings which can't be replaced should be shown.


  nanoExternal(t, d[, u, e])


t (string)
The template url in which the replacement should happen.

d (object)
The JSON object.

u (boolean)
Optional. Whether strings which can't be replaced should be shown.

e (object)
Optional. dom element, if a dom element is provided the replaced text will be loaded in that instead of returned.


Assuming you have following JSON response:

data = {
  user: {
    login: "demo",
    first_name: "Anon",
    "last name": "Ymous",
    account: {
      status: "active",
      expires_at: "2016-12-31"
    greeting: function(){
      return 'Hello';

you can do:

  nano("<p>{user.greeting()} {user.first_name} {user.last name}! Your account is <strong>{user.account.status}</strong> {user.nonexistingnode}</p>", data)

and you get the following string:

  <p>Hello Anon Ymous! Your account is <strong>active</strong> </p>

or you can do:

  nano("<p>{user.greeting()} {user.first_name} {user.last name}! Your account is <strong>{user.account.status}</strong> {user.nonexistingnode}</p>", data, true)

and you get the following string:

  <p>Hello Anon Ymous! Your account is <strong>active</strong> {user.nonexistingnode}</p>

You can now also load an external template via nanoExternal('test.template.html', data, true); The parameters are the same except that the first parameter requires an url.

  nanoExternal('test.template.html', data, true)

or you pass the optional dom node and the replaced text will be directly loaded into that node.

  nanoExternal('test.template.html', data, true, document.getElementById('myId'))


  var jsNanoTemplate = require("js-nano-template");

  console.log(jsNanoTemplate("<p>{user.greeting()} {user.first_name} {user.last name}! Your account is <strong>{user.account.status}</strong> {user.nonexistingnode}</p>", data));

Running Sample https://runkit.com/azettl/js-nano-template