
Examples of mobile applications built using Flutter and relevant packages to speed up the development.

🔥 Flutter Examples

This repository only aims to list examples of packages/custom widgets and applications developed with Flutter for the purpose of curiosity and study. For more info about it, check it's website or repository, since it's open source and a great tool for developing beautiful applications for mobile, web and desktop.

PS: Some projects are fully functional, some only has the UI built.

This following project is a great source to study about project structure, use of MobX, consume API, routing and more. This one deserves a special and slower look. Here it is:

Flutter MVC MobX -- Repository -- Creator's youtube channel

And now, the full list of projects built with Flutter:

Project Repository Video Project Repository Video
FlipPage-App link link Book App link link
Messages link link Doctor Booking link link 1 link 2
Restaurant link empty Uvento link link
CreditAccount link link ShoeStore link link
E-Commerce link link Flutter MVC MobX link link
PokeDex MobX link link ChitChat link link
Another E-Commerce link empty Reflectly based login screen link link
TheGorgeousLogin link empty Smart Course link empty
App Review link empty Review Page link empty
Restaurant App UI KIT link empty Tabs link empty
E-Book App link empty Food Delivery link empty
TV Randshow link empty COVID-19 link link
Pack of Flutter Apps link empty

And the list with Packages/Custom Widgets:

Package Description Link
Flutter Icons Customizable Icons for Flutter,Inspired by react-native-vector-icons link
Google Fonts The google_fonts package for Flutter allows you to easily use any of the 977 fonts from fonts.google.com in your Flutter app. link
Flutter Swiper The best swiper(carousel) for flutter, with multiple layouts, infinite loop. Compatible with Android & iOS. link
Sliding Sheet A widget that can be dragged and scrolled in a single gesture and snapped to a list of extents. link
Sliding Up Panel A draggable Flutter widget that makes implementing a SlidingUpPanel much easier! link
Flutter Login A ready-made login/signup widget with many animation effects to demonstrate the capabilities of Flutter link
Flutter Slidable A Flutter implementation of slidable list item with directional slide actions that can be dismissed. link
Path Provider A Flutter plugin for finding commonly used locations on the filesystem. Supports iOS and Android. link
Share A Flutter plugin to share content from your Flutter app via the platform's share dialog. link
JSON Serializable Provides Dart Build System builders for handling JSON. link
Provider A mixture between dependency injection (DI) and state management, built with widgets for widgets. link
MobX Library for reactively managing the state of your applications. Use the power of observables, actions, and reactions to supercharge your Dart and Flutter apps. link
Flutter MobX Flutter integration with MobX.dart. Provides the Observer widget that listens to observables and automatically rebuilds on changes. link
Redux Redux for Dart using generics for typed State. It includes a rich ecosystem of Docs, Middleware, Dev Tools and can be combined with Flutter using the flutter_redux package. link
Flutter Redux A set of utilities that allow you to easily consume a Redux Store to build Flutter Widgets. This package is built to work with Redux.dart. link
Flutter Launch Icons A package which simplifies the task of updating your Flutter app's launcher icon. link
Flutter WebView A plugin that allow Flutter to communicate with a native Webview. link
Firebase Core A Flutter plugin to use the Firebase Core API, which enables connecting to multiple Firebase apps. link
Firebase Auth Flutter plugin for Firebase Auth, enabling Android and iOS authentication using passwords, phone numbers and identity providers like Google, Facebook and Twitter. link
Firebase Storage Flutter plugin for Firebase Cloud Storage, a powerful, simple, and cost-effective object storage service for Android and iOS. link
Image Picker A Flutter plugin for iOS and Android for picking images from the image library, and taking new pictures with the camera. link
Google Sign-In Flutter plugin for Google Sign-In, a secure authentication system for signing in with a Google account on Android and iOS. link
Connectivity Flutter plugin for discovering the state of the network (WiFi & mobile/cellular) connectivity on Android and iOS. link
Google Maps A Flutter plugin for integrating Google Maps in iOS and Android applications. link
Flutter SVG An SVG rendering and widget library for Flutter, which allows painting and displaying Scalable Vector Graphics 1.1 files. link
Geolocator Geolocation plugin for Flutter. This plugin provides a cross-platform (iOS, Android) API for generic location (GPS etc.) functions. link
Device Info Flutter plugin providing detailed information about the device (make, model, etc.), and Android or iOS version the app is running on. link
Video Player Flutter plugin for displaying inline video with other Flutter widgets on Android and iOS. link
Flutter Local Notifications A cross platform plugin for displaying and scheduling local notifications for Flutter applications with the ability to customise for each platform. link
Pull to Refresh A widget provided to the flutter scroll component drop-down refresh and pull up load. link
Shimmer A package that provides an easy way to add shimmer effect in Flutter project link
Barcode Scanner A flutter plugin for scanning 2D barcodes and QRCodes via camera. link
QR.Flutter QR.Flutter is a Flutter library for simple and fast QR code rendering via a Widget or custom painter. link
QR A QR code generation library for Dart and Flutter. Supports QR code version 1 through 40, error correction and redundancy. link
Local Auth Flutter plugin for Android and iOS device authentication sensors such as Fingerprint Reader and Touch ID. link
Fluro Fluro is a Flutter routing library that adds flexible routing options like wildcards, named parameters and clear route definitions. link
OneSignal Flutter SDK OneSignal is a free push notification service for mobile apps. This plugin makes it easy to integrate your flutter app with OneSignal link
Curved Navigation Bar Stunning Animating Curved Shape Navigation Bar. Adjustable color, background color, animation curve, animation duration. link
Page Transition This package gives you beautiful page transitions. link
Bloc A predictable state management library that helps implement the BLoC (Business Logic Component) design pattern. link
Flutter Bloc Flutter Widgets that make it easy to implement the BLoC (Business Logic Component) design pattern. Built to be used with the bloc state management package. link
Bloc Pattern Package that helps you implementing BloC Pattern by Dependency Injection in your project. link
Global Configuration A flutter package for managing different configurations and making them available everythere inside the app. link
Shared Preferences Flutter plugin for reading and writing simple key-value pairs. Wraps NSUserDefaults on iOS and SharedPreferences on Android. link
Sensors Flutter plugin for accessing the Android and iOS accelerometer and gyroscope sensors. link
Smooth Page Indicator Customizable animated page indicator with a set of built-in effects. link
Fluid Layout Create responsive layouts in flutter for mobile, web and desktop. link
Awesome Card A flutter package to create a Credit Card widget in your application. link
Flutter Flare Vector design and runtime animation for Flutter. link link link
Custom Radio Grouped Button Custom Flutter widgets that makes Checkbox and Radio Buttons much cleaner and easier. link
Animated Float Buttons Allows you to create a animated collapsible list of float buttons. link
Get A consistent navigation library that lets you navigate between screens, open dialogs/bottomSheets, and display snackbars from anywhere in your code without context. link
Path A comprehensive, cross-platform path manipulation library for Dart. The path package provides common operations for manipulating paths: joining, splitting, normalizing, etc. link
Flutter Toast Toast Library for Flutter link
URL Launcher A Flutter plugin for launching a URL. Supports iOS, Android, web, Windows, macOS, and Linux. link

🤘 Contribution

You are welcome and free to contribute with this index of projects and packages ❤️

Don't know how? Not a problem! Just follow the steps bellow:

  • Fork this repository
  • Create a new branch and switch to it
    • git checkout -b my_awesome_branch
  • Add new entries as you wish
    • Doesn't matter if it's just one or a thousand new entries
    • Doesn't matter if it's an app or a package
    • The only thing that matters is to grow as a community ✌
  • Commit and push to your branch
    • git commit -m "adds new awesome entries to both projects and packages"
    • git push origin my_awesome_branch
  • Create a Pull Request and wait for it to be accepted, which most certainly will really soon ✅
  • Once your Pull Request is accepted, you can delete your branch ⛔