
Deep Learning algorithms, concepts and applications developed in python using Tensorflow Core (Low Level API)

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


Deep Learning algorithms, concepts and applications developed in python using Tensorflow Core (Low Level API)


  • Planar Data Classification
    (keywords: binary classification, adam optimization, l2 regularization, decision boundaries)

    • Classification of planar data and plotting decision boundaries using a shallow neural n/w
  • Classifying Numbers in Sign Language
    (keywords: multiclass image classification, normalization, random mini batches, adam optimization, l2 regularization)

    • The dataset has been taken from deeplearning.ai course 2 and consists of colour images of size 64 x 64 pixels
    • The classification was implemented using a 3 layer neural network with 12288 input units, 40 units in the first hidden layer, 20 in the second hidden layer, 6 units in the output layer.
  • Fashion MNIST

    • Under Construction