Contains everything related to app
Inside of app and contains:
- Entity: this is the object received from API
- Local: this object extends from RealmObject and is necessary to create the database
- Remote: interface to API
- Repository: contains an interface to be implemented by usecase
- RepositoryImp class to manage responses from server
- LocalRepository class to manage data to save in local database
- mapper:
- EntityToDomainMapper class: mapper that transforms object from entity to domain (model) and vice versa
- LocalToDomainMapper class: mapper that transforms objects from local to domain (modal) and vice versa
- model: bussiness logic
- usecase: actions that the user can trigger
- di: Dependency injection package, use this to inject presenters, adapters, at UI level
- ui: Contains activities, fragments, adapters, presenters
- dependency injection package, contains module to handle connection to services and repository
this module contain all the base classes for app