
Caching for humans

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

cache: caching for humans


pip install -U anyjson redis rdcache


# For memcache
import pylibmc
from rdcache import Cache
backend = pylibmc.Client([""])
cache = Cache(backend)

# For Redis
    "default": {
        "host": "",
        "port": 6379,
        "password": "",
        "db": 0,
        "socket_timeout": 3600,
        "max_connections": 128,
from rdcache.ext import RedisCache, RedisPool
redis = RedisPool(REDIS_CONFS)
cache = RedisCache(redis.get('default'), touch = False)

def some_expensive_method(num):
    if not isinstance(num, int):
        if isinstance(num, basestring) and num.isdigit():
            num = int(num)
            num = 0
    return num

# reads 42 from the cache, the key is mykey-42

# re-calculates and writes 42 to the cache

# get the cached value or throw an error
# (unless default= was passed to @cache(...))


Options can be passed to either the Cache constructor or the decorator. Options passed to the decorator take precedence. Available options are:

enabled    If `False`, the backend cache will not be used at all,
           and your functions will be run as-is, even when you call
           `.cached()`.  This is useful for development, when the
           function may be changing rapidly.
           Default: True

default    If given, `.cached()` will return the given value instead
           of raising a KeyError.
type       data/json
           string/json/hash/list/set/zset (if backend is redis)
           Default: data
time       expire seconds
           Default: -1 (forever)
touch      If true, expire time seconds everytime include reading data 

The remaining options, if given, will be passed as keyword arguments to the backend's set method. This is useful for things like expiration times - for example, using pylibmc:

@cache("some_key_%s_%d", type='json', time=3600)
def expensive_method(name, ver=1):
    # ...

Dummy Cache

Cache provides a "fake" caches for local development without a backend cache: DummyCache.


If you're a Ruby user, check out the analogous Cacher library for Ruby