
Server for Craiyon app using ExpressJS

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Craiyon Server: From words to wonders

API for generating images from text using different AI image generators. Currently only OpenAI DALLE has been implemented. I have plans to add more services later.

Table of Contents

Technologies Used

  • NodeJS
  • Express
  • MySQL
  • Docker
  • Typescript

Libraries Used

  • bcrypt
  • cors
  • dotenv
  • dotenv-cli
  • eslint
  • express
  • husky
  • jsonwebtoken
  • lint-staged
  • nodemailer
  • openai
  • prettier
  • prisma
  • tsx
  • typescript
  • vitest
  • vitest-mock-extended
  • winston

API Structure

Currently there are three main endpoints:


post /auth/register

Used to register a new and send a user verification mail
Verification: Not required

  • email
  • name
  • password

Output: access and refresh token

post /auth/login

Used to login an existing user
Verification: Not required

  • email
  • password

Output: access and refresh token

post /auth/refresh-token

Used to get new tokens using a valid refresh token
Verification: Required
Bearer token sent via headers as Bearer <token>. This should be a valid refresh token
Input: <none>

Output: access and refresh token


get /user/

Used to get current user details Verification: Required
Access token sent via headers as Bearer <token>
Input: <none>

Output: User details

patch /user/new-verificaion-token

Used to generate a new account verification token and sends it to registered email.
Verification: Required
Access token sent via headers as Bearer <token>

  • handleUrl: Url that will handle the verification. Preferably a frontend route. By default server url will be used

Output: Success or Error response

get /user/verify/:user/:token

Used to verify the account for token generated using previous API.
Verification: Not required

  • user: User ID
  • token: token generated using /user/new-verificaion-token

Output: Success or Error response

patch /user/verify

Used to verify the account for token generated using previous API.
Verification: Not required

  • user: User ID
  • token: token generated using /user/new-verificaion-token

Output: Success or Error response

post /user/password-reset-mail

Used to send password reset mail to registered email
Verification: Not required

  • email

Output: Success or Error response

patch /user/reset-password

Used to reset user password Verification: Not required

  • user: User ID
  • token: tokenn generated using /user/password-reset-mail
  • newPassword

Output: Success or Error response

get /user/generated-images

Used to get all images generated by current user
Verification: Required
Access token sent via headers as Bearer <token>

  • limit: how many images to get
  • page: which page (for pagination)

Output: List of images


get /image/public

Used to fetch all public images
Verification: Optional
If access token is provided, the likedByUser images will be true for images favoritd by user

  • limit: for pagination
  • page: for pagination
  • sort: sort by likes (like) or created date (created)
  • order: asc or desc

Output: List of public images

get /image/get/:id

Used to fetch a particular image based on ID
Verification: Optional
If access token is not provided, users private image will not be returned. Input:

  • id: Image ID

Output: Image or Error

post /image/generate

Used to generate image using different models.
Verification: Required
Account must be verified

  • prompt: Text used to generate image
  • model: DALLE
  • resolution: 256x256 or 512x512 or 1024x1024

Output: Id of generated image

patch /image/favorite

Used to add or remove image from user's favorite list
Verification: Required

  • id: Image ID

Output: Success or error response

patch /image/private

Used to toggle private state of an image
Verification: Required

  • id: Image ID

Output: Success or error response

delete /image/:id

Used to delete a generated image. Only Menbers and Admin can delete
Verification: Required

  • id: Image ID

Output: Success or error response

Future plans

  • Fix sendPasswordResetMail to use email instead of user id
  • Fix image favorite to use body instead of params
  • Add patch route for account verification
  • Add route to make image private
  • Add route to delete self generated image
  • Add more image generating services
  • Add full docker support
  • Add "How to run locally" guide for both with and without docker