
a full-stack simulation of food ordering app

Primary LanguageJavaScript


a full-stack simulation of food ordering app

docker exec -it makan_db psql -U makanuser -d makan_db

Food Order Simulation API

Customer Endpoints

Customer Management

  • POST /api/customers: Create a new customer (for simulation purposes).
  • GET /api/customers/{customerId}: Get details of a specific customer.
  • PUT /api/customers/{customerId}: Update details of a specific customer.

Restaurant Endpoints

Restaurant Information

  • GET /api/restaurants: Get a list of all restaurants.
  • GET /api/restaurants/{restaurantId}: Get details of a specific restaurant.

Restaurant Menu

  • GET /api/restaurants/{restaurantId}/menu: Get the menu of a specific restaurant.

Order Endpoints

Place and Manage Orders

  • POST /api/orders: Place a new order.
  • GET /api/orders/{orderId}: Get details of a specific order.
  • GET /api/customers/{customerId}/orders: Get a list of all orders placed by a specific customer.
  • PUT /api/orders/{orderId}/cancel: Cancel an order.

Order Status and Tracking

  • GET /api/orders/{orderId}/status: Get the current status of a specific order.
  • GET /api/orders/{orderId}/track: Get real-time tracking information for a specific order.

Driver Endpoints

Driver Management

  • POST /api/drivers: Create a new driver (for simulation purposes).
  • GET /api/drivers/{driverId}: Get details of a specific driver.
  • PUT /api/drivers/{driverId}: Update details of a specific driver.

Driver Orders

  • GET /api/drivers/{driverId}/orders: Get a list of all orders assigned to a specific driver.
  • PUT /api/orders/{orderId}/status: Update the status of an order (e.g., from out_for_delivery to delivered).