SMS Backend Coordinator API

This API is responsible for performing our business logic related to sms processes as well

Running Tests

The test suite relies on several other applications (postgres 10, rabbit mq).

In order to simplify bringing up the infrastructure, the test runner can execute inside of a docker container.

We utilize '' to delay running the application until we're 100% available. Check here for documentation.

$ docker-compose up -f docker-compose-test.yml

Running Development Server

$ docker-compose up

This will launch the django debug server after applying all migrations.

Server will be available on http://localhost:8000

Building the Documentation

The documentation for this API is placed under the 'docs' folder. A complete HTML version of the documentation can be built by executing "make html" within that directory.

Alternatively, there is a Dockerfile that will build the documentation.

Ideally, you would mount some volume to the host so you can actually use the docs when it's done. Fortunately, there is also a docker compose file, that will do just that, and then launch a web server on port 8001 for you, with your documentation available.


Each app in this package should represent a business process therefore, picking and packing should be in separate packages.