Currently uses the chat sample http server, but will be ported to the dart:io http server once that is released
Loosely inspired upon sencha/connect for node.js
Makes use of log4dart, found here: (It expects to find log4dart in ../log4dart (ie, at the same level as crimson, not within the crimson folder structure).
Usage: See test/crimsonTest.dart for example, but it goes something like this...
main() {
CrimsonHttpServer server = new CrimsonHttpServer();
CrimsonModule sampleModule = new CrimsonModule(server);
.addEndpoint(new Favicon("./favicon.ico")) // match the favicon request
.addFilter(new CookieSession()) // adds session support
.addEndpoint(new Route("/hello","GET",(req,res,data) { // execute arbitary code that matches a route
new Route.withMatcher((req) => req.path.endsWith("someString"), // matcher function returns bool
"customMatcherName", // matcher name for logging
(req,res,data) => res.outputStream.write("Hello"); // execute on match
.addEndpoint(new StaticFile("./public")); // serve static files
server.modules["*"] = sampleModule; // this is the default module.
server.listen("", 8082); // start listening
- Lots, especially tidy up CookieSession and StaticFile, and add Route.
- Please treat all of this as pre-alpha.
- It's not secure in the slightest, and the StaticFile handler alone will probably allow users to browse your pc!
- CookieSession: sets a sessioncookie - just ported at the moment and not yet tested. Treat as pre-alpha.
- Favicon: Serves a favicon from either the default ./favicon.ico or ./public/favicon.ico, or some specified location.
- StaticFile: serves static files from the path provided in the constructor. Simply appends the request.uri onto whatever path you provide in, and tries to load it. Very insecure.
- Route: executes a dart method in resposne to matching a path + method, or a matching function