
MPEG-TS stream dump. Can works with rtp/udp streams.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


MPEG-TS stream dump. Works with rtp and udp streams.
rtpdump compatible.


usage: dumpstream [-h] [-a IP_ADDRESS] [-r RECEIVER_ADDRESS] [-p PORT] 
                  [-d SAVE_DIRECTORY] [-n PIECES_NUMBER] [-c CALLBACK_URL]
                  [-l LENGTH] [-s START_DELAY] [-o OUT_FILE] [-b BUFFERING]

Stream dump. Works with rtp and udp streams.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -a IP_ADDRESS, --ip_address IP_ADDRESS
                        ip address
                        receiver address for source-specific multicast (SSM)
  -p PORT, --port PORT  port
  -d SAVE_DIRECTORY, --save_directory SAVE_DIRECTORY
                        directory to save pieces
  -n PIECES_NUMBER, --pieces_number PIECES_NUMBER
                        number of pieces
  -c CALLBACK_URL, --callback_url CALLBACK_URL
                        callback url, use to send HTTP PUT with
                        start_time/end_time params
  -l LENGTH, --length LENGTH
                        recording length
  -s START_DELAY, --start_delay START_DELAY
                        delay before start recording
  -o OUT_FILE, --out_file OUT_FILE
                        save output to file with specified name
  -b BUFFERING, --buffering BUFFERING
                        buffer to use when opening files


python ./dumpstream -a -p 1234 -s 60 -l 3600 -c /api/callback/ -o /save/path/dump.mpg -b 1

Stores one piece of 1 hour duration in /save/path/dump.mpg with start delay in 60 seconds. Also uses API callback and buffering setting.

python ./dumpstream -a -p 1234 -d /save/path/ -n 24 -b 1

Stores pieces of 1 hour duration in a directory /save/path/ for 24 hours.


Licensed under the MIT license.