
Examples of different quil sketches.

Primary LanguageClojureEclipse Public License 1.0EPL-1.0

Quil examples

Examples of different Quil sketches.

Check src/quil_sketches folder and it's subfolders. Each .clj file is a separate sketch. Some of them shows particular Quil feature and some of them are simply beatiful animations. You can start with running them one by one and studying their sources.

How to run examples

Clone repo with examples to you machine:

git clone https://github.com/quil/quil-examples.git
Using lein REPL

Start REPL:

lein repl

Require selected sketch to run it:

user=> (require 'quil-sketches.gen-art.01-cross-with-circle :reload)


  • you should start sketch namespace with single quote: 'quil-sketches.mouse
  • :reload option is needed if you want to run it several times. Otherwise sketch won't run on second and subsequent calls.
Using lein run

Use following command to run selected sketch:

lein run -m quil-sketches.gen-art.01-cross-with-circle

When you close sketch JVM won't exit, so you need to do it manually e.g. using Ctrl+C combination.

Using LightTable

Start LightTable.
Open folder containing the project:

File -> Open folder

Open file containing sketch and evaluate it using following keys combination:

Using emacs

Open file with sketch:

emacs src/quil_sketches/gen_art/01_cross_with_circle.clj

Start cider:

M-x cider-jack-in

Evaluate opened file:

C-c C-k

Sketch will open. You can run other sketches by opening their files and evaluate their contents via C-c C-k

How to create your own sketch

It is simple. You can either modify existing sketch or create new one. To create new sketch first you need to create sketch file e.g. src/quil_sketches/my_super_sketch.clj and use some existing sketch as initial template (don't forget to modify namespace to quil-sketches.my-super-sketch).

Happy hacking!