This is an ADS-B decoding library for Java. It also supports Mode S messages. It is part of the OpenSky Network project (
Currently it only supports the following ADS-B messages:
- Identification messages
- Velocity over ground messages
- Airborne Position messages (including global and local CPR)
These are the most commonly used formats, but more formats will follow soon.
import org.opensky.libadsb.*;
// ...
// Example messages for position (47.0063,8.0254)
ModeSReply odd = Decoder.genericDecoder("8dc0ffee58b986d0b3bd25000000");
ModeSReply even = Decoder.genericDecoder("8dc0ffee58b9835693c897000000");
// test for message type with "instanceof"
// now we know it's an airborne position message
AirbornePositionMsg odd_pos = (AirbornePositionMsg) odd;
AirbornePositionMsg even_pos = (AirbornePositionMsg) even;
double[] lat_lon = odd_pos.getGlobalPosition(even_pos);
double altitude = odd_pos.getAltitude();
System.out.println("Latitude = "+ lat_lon[0]+ "°\n"+
"Longitude = "+ lat_lon[1]+ "°\n"+
"Altitude = "+ altitude+ "m");
// ...
An complete example can be found in