The frontend for the emeis user management service
- Ember.js v3.20 or above
- Ember CLI v3.20 or above
- Node.js v10 or above
$ ember install ember-emeis
Then add the following lines to your app/styles/app.scss
@import "ember-uikit";
@import "ember-emeis";
Register the engine in app/app.js
export default class App extends Application {
// ...
this.engines = {
emberEmeis: {
dependencies: {
services: ["store", "intl", "notification", "router"],
Basic configuration of ember-emeis can be done via the emeis-options
service. To generate it, run ember g service emeis-options
and add it to the dependencies in app/app.js
export default class App extends Application {
// ...
this.engines = {
emberEmeis: {
dependencies: {
services: ["store", "intl", "notification", "router", "emeis-options"],
The config service supports the following options:
import Service from "@ember/service";
export default class EmeisOptionsService extends Service {
// number of items in list views
pageSize = 10;
// hide "username" field
emailAsUsername = false;
// show only a subset of the "additional" fields on the user model
additionalUserFields = {
"phone": "required",
"language": "required",
"address": "optional",
"city": "optional",
"zip": "optional"
// show only a subset of the main navigation entries
navigationEntries = ["users", "scopes"];
If you need to customize your store service passed to emeis, use:
ember g emeis-store <your_name>
This will generate a store service and an adapter for you. In those two files you can then configure custom api endpoints or hosts and/or custom authentication.
See the Contributing guide for details.
This project is licensed under the LGPL-3.0-or-later license.