___ _____ ____
/ _ \/ _/ |/_/ /____ ______ _ Made with love by Eliuk Blau
/ ___// /_> </ __/ -_) __/ ' \ github.com/eliukblau/pixterm
/_/ /___/_/|_|\__/\__/_/ /_/_/_/ v1.1.1
shows images directly in your terminal, recreating the pixels through a combination of ANSI character background color and the unicode lower half block element. If image has transparency, an optional matte color can be used for background.
The conversion process runs fast because it is parallelized in all CPUs.
Supported image formats: JPEG, PNG, GIF, BMP, TIFF, WebP.
Your terminal emulator must be support true color feature in order to display image colors in a right way. In addition, you must use a monospaced font that includes the lower half block unicode character ▄ (U+2584)
. I personally recommend Envy Code R. It's the nice font that shows in the screenshots.
All dependencies are directly included in the project via Go's Vendor Directories. You should not do anything else. Anyway, if you want to get the dependencies manually, project uses the Glide Vendor Package Management. Follow its instructions.
- Package colorful:
- Package terminal:
- Package imaging:
- Package webp:
- Package bmp:
- Package tiff:
You need the Go compiler version 1.6 or superior installed in your system.
Run this command to automatically download sources and install PIXterm
binary in your $GOPATH/bin
go get -u github.com/eliukblau/pixterm
is a terminal toy application that I made to exercise my skills on Go programming language. If you have not tried this language yet, please give it a try! It's easy, fast and very well organized. You'll not regret :D
This application is inspired by the clever termpix, implemented in Rust.