
A modern landing page that blends HTML, JavaScript, and CSS. With dynamic effects powered by Locomotive JS and GSAP.

Primary LanguageHTML

Modern Landing Page Project

Project Demo


The Modern Landing Page Project is a visually stunning website built using GSAP, Locomotive.js, and Sherry.js to create captivating and dynamic animations. This project showcases the seamless integration of these powerful libraries to enhance the user experience and deliver a modern and engaging landing page.


  • GSAP Animations: Leverage the power of GSAP (GreenSock Animation Platform) to create smooth and eye-catching animations throughout the website.

  • Locomotive.js Scroll Animation: Implement scroll-based animations with Locomotive.js, providing a unique and interactive scrolling experience for users.

  • Sherry.js Page Transitions: Utilize Sherry.js for page transitions, enhancing navigation fluidity and adding a touch of sophistication to the user journey.


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